
2 years, 10 months ago


.: Overview :.

Amber is a shy, yellow stick figure who specializes in game design and coding. She is currently living with her 4 other roommates, and has an older sister, Mandarine.

.: General Info :.

Name: Amber Arancia
Pronunciation: Am-brr Ar-an-cia
Nicknames: Shortie, Yellow, Sunny, Nerdy, Lemon, Banana
Age: 18
Birthday: October 2nd
Birthplace: Celius City
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 4’11

.:Distinguishing features:.

Amber is a sunny-colored stick with a small curvy figure. Having orange gradient hair, accompanied by sunset eyes and glasses.

Current residence: Celius City
Current home: Apartment
Occupation: Coder, Game designer
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: Citizien

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: N/A
Language: Common
Other languages known: Binary Code
Style of speaking: Soft-spoken, though tends to be blunt when necessary 

.: Personality :.

At a first glance, Amber is seen to be an introverted individual. Often stuttering with her words. The more you hang out with her, she is shown to be a very hardworking and dedicated girl. As well as a caring one, always willing to lend a hand. Despite being a clutz of sorts. However when angered, Amber can be very strict and surprisingly sassy towards anyone and everyone.

When in love, Amber gets all gushy and constantly rambles to her significant others about her interests without even realizing it. As well as stumble on her words constantly. She would also do little things for her partner like make them lunch, give them gifts, etc.

Likes: Gaming, Coding, Scary Movies, Kitties, Ice cream, Ramen
Dislikes: Sticky things, Being put under a lot of stress, deadlines
Hobbies/past times: Video games, Coding, Engineering
Guilty pleasures: Snuggles, Being picked up
Pet peeves: When small miscellaneous things go wrong and it screws up the entire process and you have to start over again.
Personal goals: To become a famous game designer and or coder, and finish one of her video game projects.
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Very smart when it comes to coding and video games.
General sociability: Not too social at first, she's seen as an introvert.

.: Relationships :.


Unnamed Mother and Father
Mandarine - Her older sister, she admires her a lot for how extroverted she is.



Friends (currently)

Brielle - Good friends, although often gets teased by him for being the shortest out of the roommates
Fern - Good friends, works with him in terms of music and art design
June - Close friends, gal pals!
Spade - Doesn't trust him fully, but occasionally gets along with him.
Tacer - Knows her well due to her older sister being friends with Tacer. Trusts her a whole lot.
Roxie - Knows her for being one of the main pizza delivery girls within Celius City.

Love interest

Rai -  Loves him above all else. She often games with him in her downtime and trusts him the most out of everyone, and is very open with him when needing to talk about anything.

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Hand-to-hand combat
Peaceful or violent?  Peaceful
Weapon(s) of choice: None

.: Abilities :.


.: Fears :.

Amber has a fear of drowning

Amber has a fear of being trapped

.: Health :.

Amber is short-sighted, so she wears glasses all the time so she's able to see. Without them, she can barely see.

.: History :.



As of now, Amber lives with Fern, Brielle, Rai, and June. Working on her dream game for the world to see and enjoy.

.: Other Details :.

- She's the smallest out of the group