
3 years, 10 months ago


.: Playlist :.

1. Candle Queen - Ghost
2. Rabbit Hole - Aviva
3. Shatterer - Frosayoi

.: Overview :.

Agate is the CEO of Painite Crystal Corp, selling beautiful crystalline figures, weapons, etc. She is the older sister of Maline and Amai, as well as one of the main antagonists of Mali's story.

.: General Info :.

Name: Agate Edelsteen
Pronunciation: Ag-ate  Ed-ell-steen
Nicknames: Aggie, Blueberry
Age: 28
Birthday: December 16th
Birthplace: Painite Town, The Crystal Tundra
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8

.:Distinguishing features:.

Agate is a long curvy blue figure with bright purple gradients on her arms and lower legs. Followed by sapphire, sharp eyes, and a long blue hair strand.

Current residence: Painite Town, The Crystal Tundra
Current home: Painite Mansion
Occupation: CEO of Painite Crystal Company
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Well known for becoming the CEO of Painite Crystal Company, however people are unaware of her horrible deeds.

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: N/A
Language: Common
Other languages known: None
Style of speaking: Very straightforward and blunt, especially when angry.

.: Personality :.

Agate is a very controlling individual, believing that she knows what's right and always tries to get the upper hand in situations. In some cases, she is seen as a puppeteer controlling the puppet. 

When Agate is in love, she tries her hardest not to show any favoritism to her partner. But would occasionally give them gifts and treat them as her equals. She acts more tsundere-like around her partner whenever she is flustered, but she does enjoy this secretly, which is why she never tells them to stop.

Likes: Money, Her crystals, Being in control, Success, Magic
Dislikes: People interfering with the company, Her younger siblings
Hobbies/past times: Despite running the company constantly, she spends her time creating art with her crystals, much like sculpting and playing the piano.
Pet peeves: Her siblings, Dirt, Idle chatter
Personal goals: To successfully run the Painite Crystal Company without any issues.
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Very intelligent
General sociability: Very blunt and controlling, always tries to get the upper hand.

.: Relationships :.


Azurite - Father (Deceased)
Opalite - Mother (Deceased)
Maline - Younger Sister
Amazonite - Younger brother


Anyone who stands in her way of running the company.

Friends (currently)

Frappi - Manager and close in family relations. She is extremely close with Frappi in terms of business and relations. She looks up to Frappi as a parental figure.

Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, Very flexible
Peaceful or violent?  It mainly depends on what she's dealing with.
Weapon(s) of choice: Crystal Spears 

.: Abilities :.


Agate can create, shape, and manipulate crystals and crystalline materials in any way she can. 

-Crystal Walls-
Agate can make large, bulky crystal-like walls, mostly used as a defense strategy.

-Crystal Pillars-
Agate can summon tall crystal-like pillars, used to block attacks.

-Crystal Storm-
Agate can create a large number of rapid crystals growing from the ground up in a short amount of time. 

-Crystal Darts-
Agate can use leftover crystal shards as throwing darts, mostly used as a weapon for throwing / catching things.

-Crystal Weaponization-
Agate can weaponize her crystals to whatever she desires, as long as she knows what she wants to create. 

-Crystal Infection-
Agate can form and implant a dangerous infection onto another person, which causes the victim to slowly form crystals from their skin. 

The infection itself can take up to 6-7 days before the user dies from impalement or blood loss.

-Crystal Stasis-

Agate can completely trap someone in a cold, crystal-like stasis, permanently freezing them in time until they're released. 

.: Fears :.


.: Health :.

Agate is perfectly healthy.

.: History :.

Agate grew up in a business-related family, Her parents (Azurite and Opalite) ran the crystal company. She is the oldest child, having a younger sister named Maline, and a younger brother named Amazonite (Amai). Mali had a better chance of inheriting the company due to the value of her crystal composition being better than Agate. However, Agate was enraged by this news, eavesdropping on her parents. Opalite and Azurite pass away when Agate was only 17. Leaving her to watch over Maline and Amai. This comes in favor of Agate, bullying Mali into believing that she's not wanted. That she’s a bother. Even goes as far as to body shame her. About her chest, face, weight, etc. Amai had a chance of inheriting the company as well, however, Agate made sure he wouldn’t ever do that. So she used a power crystal spell, trapping Amai in a crystal-like prison. Proving that her crystals are way more powerful and valuable. After a couple of days, she noticed that Maline has disappeared as well. Leaving Agate to run this company alone. Which is what she wanted all along.

As of now, Agate currently runs the Painite Crystal Company. Producing beautiful works of art with gems and crystals.

.: Other Details :.

- She smells like blueberry