


2 years, 10 months ago





Current La Beauté du Printemps
Past Rogue


Mother Cedar
Sisters Épicéa, Chêne, Sequoia


Mentor Pétale
Rank Un Garde des Chiens


Gender Female (AFAB)
Age 15 moons
Life Points (LP) 10/10
Strength (STR) 0/15
Agility (AGL) 0/25
Litters 0/4



Acacia is best described as an outcast. As a petit chaton and jeune, she was noisy and chatty, hoping to catch some cat's attention. Her sisters got along so well and often times the young she-cat was left out. At the cusp of adulthood, her sister Chêne was killed during a battle in Wonderland. The two had become close, and devastated, Acacia drew herself away from her remaining sisters. She can often be found in her den, sleeping the world away. Although no cat says anything, a few worry that she will be a repeat of Pousse, who killed a petit chaton to bring back her friend. Who's to say though.


Acacia is a warm brown she-cat with dark tabby stripes on her back. She has vibrant green eyes. Her fur is of average length.


Name Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc finibus non tortor sit amet ultricies. Aenean tempor libero eget faucibus tempor. Sed rhoncus, libero ut gravida sollicitudin, nulla lorem posuere nisl, in pretium tortor dui commodo libero.

Name Duis varius quam nec vulputate convallis. Nullam velit sem, dignissim nec vehicula sed, semper vitae odio. Aliquam rutrum ac odio ac varius. Integer ac velit erat. Ut non ligula turpis. Nam congue, sapien lacinia finibus pretium, magna mauris posuere nibh, at luctus sem lorem sed neque. Cras mauris eros, bibendum eu mi vitae, eleifend placerat velit. Donec suscipit metus vitae lacus lacinia dignissim sit amet metus tincidunt.

Name Praesent sit amet rhoncus leo, quis venenatis nulla. In velit nulla, sollicitudin ac posuere vitae, hendrerit sit amet ante. Vestibulum felis felis, feugiat eu mauris et, bibendum molestie ligula. Cras ultrices malesuada enim ac eleifend. Praesent ligula ante. Duis porta nisi eu malesuada dignissim.


The majority of Acacia's kithood was spent with her siblings and mother. Her mother had kept the litter of 4 in an abandoned fox den and Acacia had been as happy as could be. She was especially close with her mother, often staying up later than her sisters just so she could spend time with her mom. She did have a good relationship with her sisters as well, but nothing beat her and her mother's bond.

One day her mother returned to the den and told them that she had found a new home for them. The five of them made the trip to La Beaute du Printemps. While walking there, Acacia noticed her mother seemed nervous but didn't think too much of it. However, a few days of staying there, her mother informed Acacia that she had to leave. She begged her mother to stay and not leave her, but that was the only option for her mother. Acacia and her sisters were devastated.

The four girls were old enough to somewhat take care of themselves so there was no foster parent to look after them. Instead, each was assigned a mentor and Acacia's was Pétale. Pétale was a good mentor but Acacia wasn't very close to her. Throughout her training, Acacia often felt left out by her sisters and she only felt worse as she continued to fail her final challenge. She did eventually earn it, but not under good circumstances. When the clan went to war, Acacia and her sisters fought ferociously, but Chêne was killed during the battle. Acacia was devastated, especially because she was closest to Chêne out of all of her sisters. For their bravery, Reine Rafale allowed her and Sequoia to become full members of the clan. This provided Acacia with no comfort. Since Chêne's death, the young she-cat has been distant and depressed.


● Etiam ullamcorper nunc eu lacinia finibus. Vestibulum euismod laoreet metus, at sodales lectus accumsan sed.

● Vestibulum tristique lorem vitae scelerisque vehicula.

● Duis ullamcorper est augue, eget vestibulum quam malesuada ac.

● Vivamus at metus posuere neque varius pharetra sed a nunc.

● Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non interdum eu.

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