


2 years, 10 months ago





Current La Beauté du Printemps
Past Rogue


Mother Cedar (NPC)
Sisters Acacia, Chêne (deceased), Épicéa


Mentor Socle
Rank L'Érudite


Age 15 moons
Life Points (LP) 10/10
Strength (STR) 0/15
Agility (AGL) 0/25
Litters 0/4



Uncontent with her role in society, Sequoia is a snappy and sarcastic she-cat. She has a tendency to lash out at the very cats she's supposed to educate. However, she has a soft side and enjoys teaching les petits chats the history of the clan. When she's not complaining about her rank, she's talking with her clanmates, sharing news and laughs. She's also rather intelligent and has become a source of counsel to many of her clanmates.


Sequoia is a tall brown tabby she-cat with green eyes


Name Maecenas consequat volutpat sapien. Nulla scelerisque consequat eleifend. Nam at lectus mattis, semper ante et, mollis libero. Maecenas fringilla rutrum molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc finibus non tortor sit amet ultricies. Aenean tempor libero eget faucibus tempor. Sed rhoncus, libero ut gravida sollicitudin, nulla lorem posuere nisl, in pretium tortor dui commodo libero.

Name Duis varius quam nec vulputate convallis. Nullam velit sem, dignissim nec vehicula sed, semper vitae odio. Aliquam rutrum ac odio ac varius. Integer ac velit erat. Ut non ligula turpis. Nam congue, sapien lacinia finibus pretium, magna mauris posuere nibh, at luctus sem lorem sed neque. Cras mauris eros, bibendum eu mi vitae, eleifend placerat velit. Donec suscipit metus vitae lacus lacinia dignissim sit amet metus tincidunt.

Name Praesent sit amet rhoncus leo, quis venenatis nulla. In velit nulla, sollicitudin ac posuere vitae, hendrerit sit amet ante. Vestibulum felis felis, feugiat eu mauris et, bibendum molestie ligula. Cras ultrices malesuada enim ac eleifend. Praesent ligula ante. Duis porta nisi eu malesuada dignissim.


Rubis, originally Ruby, was born to a group of cats whose values consisted of fighting, bloodshed, and conquering. Her parents also shared these beliefs, although not to the same extent as the rest of the group. Rubis began her training at a young age, combat being the focus. Rubis caught on quick, but it didn't take her long to realize that she didn't enjoy this lifestyle. One day while out hunting, she found a patrol of cats. The patrol offered her a place in their kingdom, but Rubis was unsure of whether to join or not. After a few days of deliberation, she told her parents goodbye, claimed to be going hunting, and left and never came back.


● Etiam ullamcorper nunc eu lacinia finibus. Vestibulum euismod laoreet metus, at sodales lectus accumsan sed.

● Vestibulum tristique lorem vitae scelerisque vehicula.

● Duis ullamcorper est augue, eget vestibulum quam malesuada ac.

● Vivamus at metus posuere neque varius pharetra sed a nunc.

● Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non interdum eu.

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