Kim Manning (Kim & Casimir)



Casimir & Kim


Casimir Russell

26 / Male / Gay

ambitious optimistic haughty
Status Together
Nature Romantic
Bond Strong
Chemistry Strong
Since 2+ Years
Theme The Call

Kim Manning

26 / Male / Gay

diplomatic patient insecure


First Meeting

It was fate - the stars and planets aligned for one perfect shining moment. Kim Manning, having just gone to see his first Broadway show; Casimir Russell, having decided that he would grace people at the stage door. Their eyes met and it was like the rest of the world ceased to exist - maybe, at least for these two, everyone else did. The first meeting for Kim and Casimir was something that the both of them believe was picture perfect, the kind of meeting that people tell grandchildren about for years and years. Casimir was never really one for the stage door and Kim had never really thought he'd have the money to go to an actual Broadway show. Though the time they spent together in that bubble wasn't very long, it was impactful, meaningful. The two of them left with their phone numbers and, well, the rest is history.

Relationship Dynamic

People on the outside looking in would think Kim and Casimir are a very unbalanced couple. Depending on what they're seeing and through who's point of view it is, Kim is either a nagging source bringing Casimir down or worn down boyfriend who is forced to be a babysitter; Casimir is either a self centered jerk or he's a dramatic man who just hasn't found the right match. That's bullshit. The dynamic for them is what works for them. Kim does sometimes come off as nagging or like he's picking at Casimir, but the fact of the matter is Casimir is self centered and needs someone to help reposition his view point. And Casimir provides the much needed feeling that Kim is the center of his world, putting him on a pedestal that no one else ever has. The two help smooth down rough edges and settle into something infinitely more comfortable than when they were alone.




  • They wound up going with a smaller wedding (which Casimir huffed about), but had a semi-big reception.
  • They are a Fated pair and were meant to meet the moment of the stage door.
  • While Kim has an emotional support dog (named Davey), Casimir got incredibly jealous and picked up a stray cat (Jack) to flaunt. It back fired when Kim thought the cat was perfect for Casimir.
  • They never have kids - they're far too wrapped up in each other to handle children.