Kim Manning (Kim's Major Relationships)




Casimir Russell

Casimir can do no wrong, according to Kim. He's perfect, wonderful, so talented, a real star, and how could anyone think any different? Kim absolutely adores Casimir. The moment he first laid eyes on him, he had a crush and it only grew when he finally was able to speak to him. The connection between them was instant and they drive everyone absolutely insane with how over the top they are about their love. They're the couple that celebrates the 'the anniversary of the day we met, the day we first dated, the second date, etc.' and who start to pine if they're away from each other for too long. They're legitimate soulmates, after all, fated to be together (a fact, rather than Casimir just waxing poetic about how wonderful they are together for once) and it shows. That's not to say they're perfect, of course; Kim's had to put his foot down before on some of Casimir's antics and Casimir has had to learn patience for Kim's hang-ups but Kim honestly can't care about the very few bad moments because when he looks at Casimir all he sees is a perfect future.

Parker Manning

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Roy Manning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.

Lawrence Manning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.