


2 years, 10 months ago


  • Azarel

  • 38061601_belzOm7cdtEmZ9H.jpg
  • status Dead
  • gender Male
  • species Asgardian
  • Powers Shapeshifting/Magic

height Tall (ish)

build Lanky

pronouns he/they

s.o. Newt (it's complicated)

origin Asgard

occupation In prison run by SHIELD

Gear Dagger and metal coated claws


  • Nyx (daughter)
  • Phillip (son)
  • Newt (boyfriend)
  • Vesta (friend)
  • Loki (mentor)

Between Thor and Avengers

Is originally from Asgard but, being an edgy teenage boy, leaves as he feels that he doesn't fit in. He has natural abilities in using magic, which is fairly uncommon on Asgard and so leaves to explore the rest of space.

He meets Loki (after Loki fakes his death the first time) just before he’s approached by “the other” with the proposal of taking over earth for Thanos in return for the tesseract. During this time off world Azarel's impressionable teenage self inherits some of Loki’s opinions on the superiority of Asgardians, especially those which can use magic, and so goes along with Thanos’ plan with Loki.


Loki and Azarel arrive on earth through the tesseract and fight their way out of the SHIELD base. They gather materials to open the portal before Loki sets the plan to attack the helicarrier in motion. Azarel arrives on the helicarrier and ,using their shape shifting ability to transform into a bird (which at this point hasn't been revealed to SHIELD), manages to quickly break into the control room and introduce the virus onto SHIELDs computers.

He then leaves before he can be captured, spotting Tony and Steve at the broken engine. He turns his attention to them but is intercepted by Blizzy and Cookie who fight him until he's forced to make a landing back on the helicarrier. Once given the opportunity, Cookie preaches the value of heroism to Azarel, urging them to consider what they are doing and the people it will effect, while Blizzy goes for a more classically iron man approach, using sarcasm and wit to belittle Azarel’s poor life choices.

After hearing them out a little, Azarel denies their offer of turning to the good side but doesn't continue the fight (their words had clearly got to him a little already), instead opting to leave them alone and instead join Loki who was just escaping the cell. He arrives just in time to see Coulson get murdered. Up until now he hadn't seen a single death, and had definitely never seen someone be killed in such an unfair way. Seeing this death pushes Azarel over the edge, realising that Loki wasn't superior, he just fought unfairly.

Azarel pounces on Loki, getting him away from Coulson, but never intends to hurt him in any way still. Loki expresses disappointment in Azarel, then turns and leaves. Azarel sticks around a little, he feels bad about having a part in what happened, but once he sees newt approaching he knows he won't be welcome to stay and so runs off.

For the battle of New York Azarel turns up offering help to the avengers. They don't really want to accept but need all of the help they can get so he helps in killing the chitauri army, but never goes to confront Loki as the avengers do.

Post Avengers

Azarel stays on earth but doesn't really have much to do other than bother newt and shield. Occasionally when vesta makes her visits to earth her and azarel will meet up where azarel receives some training on how to fight without killing people from her, since he wants to avoid as much death as possible after seeing coulson murdered.

Age of Ultron

Azarel finds out about the location of the scepter and uses the opportunity to go and snatch it a few days before he knows that the avengers will get there. He is hoping that he can use it as a ticket back into space, potentially trading it away as payment, however when he gets in there he is unexpectedly captured by Pietro. This is because the plan was to quickly go in there in bird form ,take it and immediately leave but obviously Pietro super speed makes the plan less effective.

He is held in the base for a few days until the avengers attack and find him. They take him back to Stark tower when they leave, fully intending to send him to prison when they get the opportunity. The opportunity doesn't come quickly enough though, as Ultron makes his first attack while Azarel is still being held in the tower. He helps against Ultron, proving to the avengers that he can be useful and, without Loki being there to tell him otherwise, would be willing to help them. He helps for the remainder of their fight against Ultron and when it's over he takes the opportunity of Thor returning to space to search for the stones as a way to return there himself. He uses his skills (let's be fair, he definitely just stole stuff from people) to earn enough money for a small ship and starts exploring space alone. Without Loki to guide him, he uses his own initiative to find a planet where he feels he can fit in.

Civil War/ Ragnarok

After Hela comes back and Loki is revealed to be in Odin's Loki is forced to flee Asgard as he knows it can't be saved, so he heads to Sakaar.Azarel hears about Loki's return and so goes and hunts him down to Sakaar. They may have left each other on bad terms but Loki is still his mentor and so he wants to go and find him. Azarel still believes that Loki is a good guy, he just got it wrong the first time. When he arrives at Sakaar he finds that Loki has made friends with the grand master and, after seeing that his ways of gaining power are non violent this time, Azarel approves and accepts Loki back as his mentor.

They are forced to leave when the grandmaster's champion goes missing and he blames Loki and Valkyrie (who they have met at this point). They find Bruce and, once realising that he’s turned back and so will not be accepted by the grandmaster as the champion that he knows, are forced to flee the planet. They intercept the asgardian ship full of the people after Asgard was destroyed, in Thors absence this is being led by Heimdall. They take refuge on the ship until Thanos attacks.

The events of the attack on the ship are more or less the same except Thor isn't there. Loki is killed in front of Azarel, in a fury he attacks Thanos but he's swatted away easily. Heimdall sends both Hulk and Azarel back to earth where they meet Dr Strange.

Infinity war

Azarel fights with the avengers and during this time gets closer to Newt.

5 year blip

Azarel and Newt are much closer now. Their lives are pretty good during this time despite how depressing it is.


Azarel goes to get back the stones with the avengers on the team that goes to new york. As when the first time the battle happened Azarel ran away before the avengers when to capture loki, Azarel takes this opportunity to pretend to be his younger self and confronts loki in stark tower, telling him that he's an idiot in indiscriminately killing everybody and that if he continues he’ll get himself killed.He also specifically mentions Newt, as they are the reason he has learned to actually love people (this ends up being the reason loki targets newt when he comes to vet azarel back) This seemingly ends Azarel's arc, since Loki is dead and so can’t cause any more trouble for him, right?



Loki uses TVA resources to go back to the timeline and get Azarel during the finale episode of season one, deciding that he's going to need help, but when he arrives he sees that Azarel has become close to Newt. He demands Azarel kill him since he's stopping Azarel from wanting to follow Loki.(having just been betrayed by sylvie he sees the relationship between newt and azarel as a parallel to himself and sylvie. In his own mind azarel is stepping into the very same trap he was caught in. Loving anyone but himself.) Loki calls Azarel useless and stupid and all of the things that he knows will get Azarel angry and impulsive, causing him to impulsively kill Newt, stabbing him through the heart with a dagger. He follows Loki to a different timeline but already regrets what he's done. (unknown to Azerel, Loki had used magic on him learnt by Sylvie in order to enchant him and get him to do it, however Azarel thinks it was his own decision.)

After Loki

He goes with Loki, travelling the timelines and sticking around until the fnale of season two where he can no longer stay with Loki due to him watching over the timelines forever, so instead he travels the timelines being edgy for a couple of thousands of years, he never finds a place that for him would have replaced his life with Newt though, so he never settles. Always regretting what happened to Newt. Eventually he  finds and adopts a cute little orphan in need (Nyx). He's middle aged now and wants to be a normal guy with a family. After running across timelines with Nyx for a while he realises that this isn't good for her and she wont be able to keep it up much longer, so he returns to his home timeline only a few months after he would have first left. He attempts to evade SHEILD for a little longer but he's getting older and tired and is concerned for the wellbeing of his kid. He can't keep running for much longer, so he lets himself get caught. He is sent to SHEILD prison, Nyx being taken in by SHEILD, only to eventually become Newts apprentice :))

Azarel lives in Newt's basement, Newt confronts him after a while and so he now knows that he lived after his attack. He does regret killing him, and always has ever since it happened.

Eventually newt forgives him and they become one lovely fucked up family :))

Prison escape (yet to be assigned to a specific films events)

(In between now and the previously mentioned events Newt has already died in action, on a mission with SHEILD.)

Eventually, after Azarel being in prison for years, Nyx dies. When it happened Azarel was just in the basement, helpless to do anything and so when he hears the news it breaks him. He has an emotional outburst and escapes SHIELD confinement. This was unexpected by SHIELD and so he manages for a short while,however he knows that his capture is imminent. He is only out for around a day, but uses this time to get a message to Vesta who, despite not having been in contact with her for a long time, he knows she would always help him out. He asks for Vesta to try and stage a jail break.

A few days after the initial escape Vesta arrives and tries to get Azarel out. SHIELD was none the wiser about the plan up until this point and so Azarel and Vesta manage to break out of the cell, however find it more difficult to escape the base itself. Alarms are going off and the SHIELD agents are firing weapons as they run through the base, causing Azarel to be in a frantic state. After barricading themselves in a room, cornered by SHIELD, Azarel is panicing. He knows he cant go back to prison. He is an emotional wreck and has thousands of years left of life to live in there, which he cannot take, and so would rather die trying to escape the base than give up. Its clear to Vesta that there is no way out, but Azarel is convinced there's a better life out there for him. He's spouting various different planes, all unreasonable and over complicated, totally in denial about his future.

Vesta realises that she cant let him go back, but also that there is no life on the outside for him either. Unknown to Azarel, Asgard had already been totally destroyed and a lot of asgardians killed. She decides that there's nothing that can be done. He will never be happy again. His husband and daughter were already dead and in prison he wouldnt be able to see his only remaining son much. She tells him she'll take him back to asgard and about how happy everyone was there recently. She tells him everyone would be happy to see him return home. Azarel smiles at this. He had always thought everyone he'd ever met had been dissapointed by him. Then Vesta kills him.


Just after this SHIELD break their way into the room, including Phillip, who rushes to the help of Azarel immediately, therefore allowing Vesta to quickly escape, however Azarel is already dead.

Nyx (Daughter)


Phillip (Son)

Official File

Newt (Partner)


Official File

Vesta (Friend)

Official File
