Newt (ACA)



3 years, 8 days ago


  • Newt (ACA)

  • age 17
  • gender Nonbinary
  • species Inhuman
  • role content
  • theme

Adaptive • Resilient • Intelligent


This is an AU version of Newt that i have with some marvel cats friends! I didnt create it but my character plays the director of SHIELD. I wil explain a bit abt the au: Everyone has their own mentors, for exmaple Blizzy's Mentor is Iron Man and so on, and Newts Mentor is Coulson! This is just how they would be in the MCU, so spoilers for the complete Marvel timeline and the timeline for Agents of SHIELD

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

height small

build slim but fluffy

pronouns they/he

s.o. in this au aromantic

dob 16/11/2000

origin England

occupation Director of S.H.I.E.L.D

Powers Teleporation, Venemous Claws

Gear Blue Blade


  • Coulson/Friends
  • ACA
  • Avengers
  • GotG


  • Azarel (Loki's apprentice)
  • Loki
  • Hydra
  • Thanos

Early Life

Newt is recruited into SHIELD academy at 15. He is the youngest in the SHIELD academy alongside two other cadets Fitz and Simmons, who he is incredibly close with, Fitz is an older brother figure to Newt. At 16 he is scouted out by Agent Phil Coulson and becomes his apprentice, while his freinds land a job in another SHIELD facility. Newt is constantly at Coulsons side and they form a close Father/son bond.

Mid Life

The events in Avengers assemble take place, Newt still constantly at Coulsons side however he makes friends/allies with the ACA and the avengers, fighting with them but primarily with SHIELD. Newt gets seperated from their mentor in the battle of the helicarrier, where Coulson is killed by Loki. Newt finds this out after the battle and is furious/devestated. Growing a blinding hatred for loki and his apprentice, who he does not believe is redeemed and partially blames him for his mentors death.

Newt stays with SHIELD, with Director Fury taking Newt under his wing and as his second in command, They grow quite close over this time. When SHIELD falls and fury is "killed", Newt is left in charge of SHIELD.This is a very hard time for Newt as he also recieves the information that his close friends Fitz + Simmons were "killed" aswell. He spends most of his time during this period with the ACA and the small group of shield agents he has. Newt was looking around for any more people he could recruit into shield and discovers is alive. He tracks down Coulson and his team to the temple where he finds them fighting Hydra about an obelisk of some sort. Despite his anger at Coulson he helps out, which means he ends up being stuck in the temple with Daisy, Raina and Trip. This is where Newt and Daisy go through terragenesis and he recieves his powers. Fitz discovers that Newt and Daisy now have powers, they are both understandably afraid but they are comforted thatboth of them have changed and dont understand why. Coulson tries to talk to Newt but he is hesitent, confused and hurt, telling coulson that he had already greived for him. The events of season 2 take place as normal, Newt is also recruited into afterlife however he never trusted it. He and daisy become quite close and Newt bonds with fitzsimmons again. Coulson and newt become close again, Newt forgiving him for never finding him. He is offered a spot on their team and he accepts, although he leaves often to deal with other matters/ be the director.

Infinity War/Endgame and on




[ Father Figure/Mentor ]



[ Adopted Brother ]



[ Friend ]



[ Friend ]

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