Clarissa Flutter



2 years, 10 months ago


Creation Number: #28

Height: 5'5 (~165 cm)

Weight: 95 lbs

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Relatives: Allison Flutter (sister), Bridget Flutter (sister)

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Clarissa is very friendly and kind to others, though she can be easily startled. She tries to keep her negative emotions in check so that her Dark Form doesn't take her over.


  • Clarissa's staff is capable of healing others, and is very effective at doing so. With it, she can heal almost any injury after only a couple minutes at most!
  • If Clarissa is feeling enough of any negative emotion (usually anger), her Dark Form will take over. In this form, she is extremely fast and powerful, but also attacks anyone around her, allies included. If she takes enough damage in this form, she will be forced back to her regular form and will be knocked out. She also switches back to normal after a few minutes, and will be exhausted in this case.
  • Due to having wings, Clarissa is capable of flight, although it is fairly limited and she can't carry too many people while flying.
  • Clarissa is the main healer of the Lurrenian Defenders, and pretty much everyone goes to her if they need healing.
  • Clarissa's fingernails and toenails are both painted white. In her Dark Form, they change to black like the rest of her clothes.