Bridget Flutter



1 year, 10 months ago


Creation Number: #27

Height: 5'6 (~168 cm)

Weight: 125 lbs

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Relatives: Allison Flutter (sister), Clarissa Flutter (sister)

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Taken (with Malvern)

Personality: Bridget is a very upbeat, friendly singer! She loves performing for others, and will never pass up an opportunity to make a new friend! She can be quite overconfident at times, though, and has been known to work herself to exhaustion because of this. She has a lot of paperwork on account of being Arcania's mayor, but she tries her best to take care of it all while also taking breaks and spending time with her friends/family!


  • Bridget can remotely control musical instruments as though she was playing them herself. She can control an infinite amount in theory, but it takes more energy the more instruments she controls at once. If she tries to control too many instruments for too long, she gets exhausted and may eventually pass out.


  • Bridget is the mayor of Arcania! (Arcania being one of the towns on Lurrenia's main continent)
  • Bridget's fingernails are longer than most other Lurrenians'. They're also painted pink! Her toenails are painted pink too, but they're the usual length.