


2 years, 10 months ago



Name Arledge 阿爾萊奇 【阿君】
Birthday June 13
Age 17
Gender Male
Height 170cm
Voice Claim Forte
Species Wolf
Occupation Bunherd
Affiliation -
Theme -


  • Slacking off
  • Alchemist-kun


  • The bunnies

The successor of a bunherd business. Arledge started training to be a bunherd at a young age which lead to his unwillingness to take up the job as he just wants to enjoy his life without any responsibilities.

Has a love hate relationship with the bunnies.



Arledge is born in a family of bunherds. Bunherds are something like shepherds, but instead of sheeps they rear bunnies instead. The bunnies fur are sheared occasionally to sell, and bun fur is considered to be high quality as they come in small quantities. He started training to be a bunherd from a young age, which was against his will. Since he was unwilling to take care of the bunnies properly, the bunnies responded back in the same manner by ignoring his orders and bullies him. This lead to him somewhat hating the bunnies.

There was a time where the bunnies roamed outside the boundary because they couldnt resist his bad behaviour and didnt come back on purpose which made him panic. Throughout the process of getting each bunny back home, he encountered the hiro brothers for the first time and became friends with them. After successfully redeeming back all the bunnies with the help of the hiro brothers, he realised his mistake of treating the bunnies badly and tried to change his attitude from that day on. Now he has a love hate relationship with the bunnies since the bunnies are demanding and all.


Can range from a tsundere little brother to a reliable and kind big brother. He often gets teased by Hiroshi which shows out his cute sides while he acts like a dependable big brother in front of Alchemist-kun ( Amethyst ) and Hiromu. He is however at the mercy of the bunnies. He is at the bottom of the chain where Hiroshi > the bunnies > Arledge ( the bunnies love Hiroshi very much )


  • He likes to eat meat and would look at the bunnies as food if he is very hungry, but he always controls himself not to eat them ( and not like he could eat them anyways as the bunnies are smart and sensitive )
  • Despite his unwillingness to become a bunherd, he is actually skilled in both identifying poisonous plants and protecting the bunnies from predators. He is however not skilled in shearing the bunnies fur where the bunnies would hit him when he gives them a bad haircut.
  • His scarf is a gift from his parents since the age of 5 and he is always seen with it.



Hiroshi [ more than friends less than lovers ]

"Argh. just stop teasing me Shi-kun!"


Amethyst [ friend ]

"Alchemist-kun, would you like to pet the bunnies?"


Hiromu [ friend ]

"Hey Mu-chan, let me treat you this and don't tell your big brother okay?"