


2 years, 10 months ago



Name Amethyst 紫晶
Birthday February 22
Age 14
Gender Male
Height 150cm
Voice Claim
Species Human
Occupation Alchemist


  • Alchemy
  • Animals


  • Being alone

I'm doing well today too, Rautz...

An abandoned child due to his heterochromia which was later picked up by Rautz, a well known alchemist around the area. His purple eye is actually a source of power that makes him produce purple crystals but due to lack of control some grows on his body.

Inherits Rautz's title which is the "Forest Alchemist" after Rautz passed away.



Despite being human, Ame was abandoned by the beastmen area by his parents when he was 5 years old as they are afraid of Ame's heterochromia which was a mutation and his constitution of generating crystals on his body without control. He was later taken in by Rautz, a well known alchemist around the area which was also human. From Rautz, he learned basic knowledge such as reading, writing and also alchemy which helps him in controlling his power of producing crystals. They spend most of the time together in Rautz's house which was among the woods far away from the village as the village people are not knowledgable about alchemy and therefore afraid of Rautz despite Rautz solving the village's problems most of the time using alchemy. By the time Rautz passed down all his alchemy knowledge to Ame, he passed away due to an incurable disease, leaving Ame alone to inherit all his possessions and title as the "Forest Alchemist". Although Ame never got affection from his birth parents and the village people, he received plenty from Rautz.


Ame is shy with strangers but warms up to close people. He tries to stay away from people but will give in if the other person comes onto him. Also has a strong sense of responsibility and handles all the house chores as Rautz is too clumsy to do chores which always lets Ame feel speechless.


  • Although he is already skilled with alchemy by the age of 14, sometimes he is still unable to stabilise his power which causes some purple crystals to grow on and around him, but those crystals are able to be cleaned up later so it's not really a problem.
  • His staff is a tool to heat up chemicals.
  • He has a cat familiar called Cyan.



Rautz [ master,father ]

"I'm gonna do my best today too Rautz...Father!"


Arledge [ friend ]

"Nii-san who rears bunnies, are the bunnies doing well today as well? They're not bullying you, right?"


Hiromu [ friend ]

"Hiromu nii-san, thank you for the letters this time again. Would you like to drink some tea while you rest? I have a lot of stuff to tell you about recently!"