yui saito!



2 years, 10 months ago



  • AGE 18
  • D.O.B January 21st
  • PRONOUNS she/they
  • ORIENTATION lesbian
  • ALIGNMENT lawful good



Yui is a shrine maiden/"miko" at her grandfather's shrine in a small town. She is agoraphobic, so she stays at the shrine practically all the time. She loves cleaning and taking care of the grounds, as well as greeting people who pass through the town and playing with Pokemon. She struggles with anxiety, but pushes herself every year to perform the kagura dance during the town's winter festival. 


Yui is shy, quiet, and kind. She's always willing to lend an ear or a hand to a person or Pokemon in need. In general, she can be very awkward, and tries her hardest to adhere strictly to social cues and standards. She feels calmest when she's alone because she doesn't have to fear messing up in any way. She doesn't like battling; most of her Pokemon are on the weaker side anyways, but in general she doesn't enjoy the conflict and showmanship of it all. 


  • Tea ceremonies 
  • fresh laundry 
  • taking naps in the afternoon
  • calligraphy 
  • her girlfriend Bubblegum


  • people who are too rambunctious/loudmouthed and rude
  • people who use foul language 
  • when people are discourteous to service workers 
  • being the center of attention 


  • The red-purple splotches on her face are a birthmark. 
  • Her grandfather is very strict and traditional, so a lot of her anxieties as well as a lot of her interests and behaviors come from being raised by him. 
  • Her parents are still alive and well, however she was raised by her grandfather because she was ill a lot as a child and her parents were busy workers in a big city. They don't have a lot of time to visit, but she loves them anyways.
  • Yui does not "own" any of her Pokemon -- that is to say, they don't live in Pokeballs. They are all Pokemon that just like being around her, and consented to being "her" Pokemon. They are sort of like "outdoor animals", they come and go as they please and are pretty much constantly lingering around the shrine grounds.
  • Ninetales: "Ruby" she/her. Ruby is a shiny Ninetales that Yui once caught praying at the shrine with her head bowed. Yui was only a young girl at the time, so she was mystified, as she had never seen a shiny Pokemon before. Shy but excited, she came and prayed next to Ruby. Ruby feels an overwhelming sense of motherhood towards Yui, and she can be just as fussy and affectionate as a mother. Out of all her Pokemon, Ruby is the one who trails closest to Yui at all times, and growls at people who are rude to Yui. 
  • Xatu: "Mitsumeru" they/it. A mysterious Xatu who appeared one day standing at the shrine grounds, not moving a muscle. Yui brings it food and water, and gives it pets every now and again. Even though they never "speak" to each other, they have a silent, understanding relationship with each other. Seeing the Xatu makes Yui feel at ease for some reason. She gets the feeling that they are some kind of protective spirit. 
  • Haunter: "Roy" he/him. Roy was an annoying prankster that Yui tried to cleanse from the shrine, but who got upset and wouldn't go away. Who knows why, but Rory is a Pokemon that can understand and speak different languages; he talks to Yui in English. She sees him like an annoying little brother but loves him all the same, and often forces him to help out with household chores. He makes her laugh, and is kind of known as the village idiot.
  • Abra: no name, no pronouns. Abra was a Pokemon Yui found injured in the forest near her hometown, who she nursed back to health. Abra was still a little baby when Yui found Abra, so Abra kind of imprinted on her. Even though Abra is shy and VERY easily frightened and will teleport away if you so much as slightly startle Abra,  Abra tries to stay as close to Yui as possible through all hours of the day. The two of them sleep in the same bed together and take baths together, and she treats Abra like Abra is her own child.
  • Cubone: "Baby" she/he/it. It's a similar story with Baby. Baby is constantly trailing at Yui's heels, trying to help her with chores and going places with her. However, Baby was separated from its mommy Marowak, so it is mostly hoping that by staying at a public shrine, her mom will come find her and take her home. Baby is sort of a new Pokemon to the team, and spends most of his days sitting next to Xatu, waiting anxiously. 
  • Litwick: no name, it/its pronouns. A little Pokemon that has always lived at the shrine since Yui was very little. It helps light all the other candles. It's very fond of Yui, and she sees it as family. Yui often makes Roy babysit this Litwick so it doesn't accidentally burn anything down, which makes Roy insanely nervous. 

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