


2 years, 10 months ago



"Being king is not a pastime, not a choice, but a duty."

  • AGE 178
  • GENDER Male
  • RACE Dastota Elf

Lattimer was born as the first and only son to Hezron, the Dastotan king at the time. He was raised as prince, learning to eventually take his father's place as king. His childhood, although full of lessons and schooling for his eventual kingship, was pleasant and loving. All he wanted in life was to serve his kingdom, meet a woman he loved, and eventually start a family.

The moment he met Alicia he fell in love, and the two had a whirlwind romance that ended in a loving marriage. Soon, their soon was born. Prince Thasvan. He loved his son with all his heart, and vowed to be the best father he could be. Though with the death of his wife, he found himself occasionally burying himself too deep into his work. Though he always found the ability to pull himself away and attend to Thasvan when he found it to become too much of a problem. He believed himself to be a wonderful father, and he really was. Though, unbeknownst to him, anger brewed in Thasvan's heart... And he would eventually die at his son's own hand...

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