Cala Rose (♥ Caluri)






friends, soulmates, lovers


  • Relationship friends, lovers
  • Status fight like a married couple
  • Bases hugged, kissed, etc.

Important Stuff to Remember

  • When they aren't fighting they tend to be that annoying "get a room" couple
  • Write some small, important stuff you prolly need to remember.
  • Write some small, important stuff you prolly need to remember.

Background / About

Caluri is the relationship between Cala Rose and Yuri Lowell of Tales of Vesperia.



Early Days/Imperial Knights

  • Cal and Yuri meet when Cal is 7 and Yuri is 8 -- Cal had just run away from home, and she's found in an alley alone by Yuri and Flynn
  • Yuri and Flynn bring Cal back to the orphanage with them
  • Despite butting heads and arguing like a married couple, Cal spends most of her time with Yuri and Flynn until Flynn is forced to move to the Citizen's Quarter
  • Before Flynn moved away, Cal divulged to him that she's a noble, but decided never to tell Yuri since she's convinced he'd hate her for it
  • Cal and Yuri continue to be good friends even after Flynn leaves, although they probably argue even more than before without the buffer
  • When they're both old enough, they both end up living above the inn (in their own rooms)
  • Cal spends a lot of time convincing herself that she actually likes Flynn because the idea of liking Yuri annoys the hell out of her
  • When Yuri decides to leave and join the Knights, Cal is upset but is too stubborn to admit to herself why
  • While Yuri is gone, Cal gives up her room and moves into Yuri's old room since she assumes he isn't going to need it again
  • Surprise he comes back (Cal is surprisingly happy although she might have been more excited about Repede than Yuri), and they end up stuck sharing a room
  • Cal gets the bed (sharing with Repede until he's too big) and Yuri sleeps on the floor
  • There are some awkward/funny trope/cliche things in here like walking in on each other changing and whatnot
  • Cal gets really used to Yuri being arrested after a while, to a point where it really doesn't phase her any more
  • Yuri tries giving Cal "love potions" before bedtime because he's an idiot and apparently a hopeless romantic

During Vesperia Proper

  • Cal is actually pretty jealous when Yuri shows up in the Lower Quarter towing Estelle until she finds out Estelle is basically a stowaway
  • Estelle asks Yuri if Cal is his girlfriend and Cal literally replies, "I wouldn't date Yuri if he were the last man in the world" which is a blatant lie
  • Things don't really progress with them until the party meets with Alexei in Heliord and he outs Cal as a noble and his betrothed whoops and Yuri is understandably upset
  • Cal and Yuri have a bit of a yelling match after everyone goes to bed, mostly Yuri not understanding why Cal would keep her nobility from him
  • Cal fesses up that she was worried Yuri would hate her for being a noble and she wouldnt have been able to stand it because she loves him
  • That's is that's when the confessions happen they are a couple now yay
  • Cal gets kidnapped by Alexei along with Estelle because apparently he actually wants to marry the girl he was bethrothed to
  • After Cal is rescued and Zaphias is evacuated, Cal finally meets up with her family again in Halure and introduces them to her "commoner boyfriend"


  • At some point post-game they get married in Halure because Halure is beautiful and they also have a daughter


[Date or Milestone Number]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet. Aliquam mauris nisi, mattis mattis dictum sed, ultricies eu mi. Donec tempor, orci quis rhoncus semper, orci sapien convallis elit, sit amet tempor dolor lorem ut ex. Etiam non nisl vel magna lobortis ultrices. Praesent lacinia risus felis. In eleifend feugiat mattis. Aliquam risus nibh, finibus quis consequat tristique, dictum ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti.

[Date or Milestone Number]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet. Aliquam mauris nisi, mattis mattis dictum sed, ultricies eu mi. Donec tempor, orci quis rhoncus semper, orci sapien convallis elit, sit amet tempor dolor lorem ut ex. Etiam non nisl vel magna lobortis ultrices. Praesent lacinia risus felis. In eleifend feugiat mattis. Aliquam risus nibh, finibus quis consequat tristique, dictum ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti.