Vaeden and Devara



2 years, 8 months ago



Genre: High Fantasy

Married: no

Children: n/a

Era: fantasy past

Lifespan: clearly immortal

Pets: none, he can change people / creatures into toys, or animate toys, has never needed pets

Sexual Type: picky pan

Relatives: sisters Devera and Nevea; mother Adae, father Van

Nemesis: none

Allies: family, plus Dag and his wife Melba

Occupation: prince, historian and recordkeeper, incredibly talented mage

Powers and Abilities: magic comes very easily for him, not just innate powers such as sensing and telepathy, but spell and ritual magic, he can read virtually any magical script

Preferred weapons: magic, aggressive teleportation

Weaknesses: though he keeps it to himself, he's quite worried that he'll really screw up a spell or a relationship, or that he'll lose his family somehow


Bonded at: Vella Crean

Dragon: Devarayath

Type: Name: Devarayath ( Krishna Devaraya, Emperor )
Rank: Imperial Court Purple Grey
Gender: Male
Abilities: Telepathy, Verbal Speech, Teleportation Fire Breath, Fire Balls, Venom Bite, Elemental Magic
Class: Bard
Desc: An inspiring musician whose powers echo the music of creation.
Unique Ability: Bardic Inspiration (you can inspire others through rousing words or music), Song of Rest (you use soothing music to revitalize your allies, providing minor healing)
Size: 11'9" shoulder