Galaxy Patrol Protogens (Sold)



2 years, 10 months ago


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About This Set:

Crosspostings: dA | TH | FA

Update: The base has now been put up! Thank you for the interest so far!!

Heyo, I doodled a base to practice my new style of clean sketching, and I've decide to offer this protogen base for free!

This base is F2U and is in my base shop!

You're  free to tip if you can afford it to express appreciation of the base,  but otherwise it's completely free! If you guys like it enough and I get  enough support, I'll try developing more bases. For now here we go...  Galaxy Patrol!!

Learn about Protogens here:

This set is OTA (offer to adopt)Thank you so much for your support!


Offer $20+ on each!

Will also consider physical items from this list (mixed offers are okay!):

⛔ Do not offer art or any designs not on the list!

12256199?16284564371. Officer Lazer: Halowjii@dA $55 SOLD
"We'd rather do what appeals to us than do what's truly beneficial to those around us."

Keeping  watch over the 35th section of his home galaxy, such a protogen can't  miss even the smallest sign of a threat headed for the most vulnerable  planet. It seems trouble never runs out of things to throw, and for our  dear officer, we're sad to say trouble has hit him with the most  devastating of projectiles. Before it even happened literal,  figuratively life had meteors collide with this protogen, and quite  frankly, if his relations were a planet, it would be riddled with  craters and ruins. Perhaps the best that happened to him in his opinion  was being crushed by a meteorite a monster that hated him sent his way.

When  you look at his life, you see a top ranked rich guard that some say the  section is paying too much. But few would know he almost lost life long  ago, and everyday he lives on, he sees to it that it's dedicated to  others not having to face anything like he did before he got rebuilt--  literally and figuratively.

Notable Features:
Shaped Visor

12256247?16284566422. Stellar Ranger:  Spyromancy@dA $55 SOLD
"Shame you couldn't do right the first time, kid."

Moving  like a force you ought not get in the way of, a protogen with little  fear lashes up nasty beasts that wanted to make a meal out of the cutest  creatures. Looking like he's a part of the sky and fell from it, must  it be mentioned this protogen used to be quite the star? Nevermind that,  let's just watch as this big strong protogen bashes monstrous greedy  brothers straight through some boulders. Quite spectacular to watch  defend the defenseless, who would ever think this guy was once  defenseless himself?

During his first moments he got to his final  stage as a protogen, straight to work the organization in control of  him put him to, giving him no opportunity to live the life several of  his fellow human coworkers would start off with. Everytime he hears  someone complain about an unfair childhood, this boy thinks back to  never having such a thing, and in the end having remembered all those  moments he was put into a war he wasn't ready for like putting an infant  in a tank... he can't help but think his coworkers' complaints are  trivial. Nevertheless everyday this strong confident-looking (some dare  call him smug) protogen serves these complainers with no complaint or  brag as he's just thankful he doesn't have to live another day in the  past. He just looks forward to a victory that ends with him blasting off  into the sky with style*:・゚

Notable Features:
Oval Visor
One Uni Horn

12256287?16284568293. Club RADioactive: skooma $20 SOLD

WOAH look at that! Whatever  that is over there ----> looks to be having a grand party all by  itself!! You go in to join the celebration and-- welp, looks as if that  "cheer of confetti" was actually this protogen warning you not to step  any closer. Hope you manage to run away from this powerful, quick, and  relentless cyborg.

This our friends is an example of what happens when the wrong hands and eyes get to a creature that was originally  trained to help. This protogen was a curious type, and during his first  traveling days, he immediately entered the wrong place at the wrong  time. Creatures from the planet he landed on were cruel scientists that  regarded all extraterrestrial life as "subjects with no feeling like  ours" and as such justified their mistreatment and experimentation on  these "no feeling creatures". Despite the obvious signs of fright and  pain displayed on this protogen's screen, he was altered to the point of  no return. Now walking around with literal warning signs on his shoulders, others continue to assume he's a creature with no feelings  and don't heed to the "!" flashing right in their faces.

Who can say this protogen feels any sympathy for these people that run up  to him to see how they can use his radiant power? After being scorned by  the confetti that are shedding radioactive scales formed from all those  days in labs, it is only then people actually listen to this protogen's  pleas. Although he solemnly changes his visor's display these days, he  hopes to finally be able to show his expression to someone he hopes can  help rid of whatever damage those scientists left him with... both  physically and emotionally.

Notable Features:
Standard Visor


*Please do not resell these for more than you bought them for. Exceptions are listed on my…
*Edits are allowed. If you're wondering about an edit, feel free to ask about it
  • Do not drastically change colors or markings-- color shifts are okay to a certain point, and you may change/take away/add markings to an extent, but not to the point where the design is almost unrecognizable.
*Be sure to credit me for making the design when you first draw it.
*No trades.
*Money only for these, no points, sorry! 
*Coupons can be used for this set!
*I'll transfer the TH profile once I confirm payment. (or send you the unwatermaked version if you don't have TH)
*Feel free to give them a new wardrobe.
*Have fun with them Lovelies! *3*

Species by CoolKoinu
Designs and art (c)PieCuddlie