Emmy Caddet (Rogues)



Basic Info




Emmy Ranger Caddet










Rogues, Tears for Fears, space bars, firearms, “spaceship piloting“ (racing around recklessly), blowing all her money at the space casinos, getting into trouble, a good drink


The Hegemony, bandits/raiders, dreadnought spaceships, losing at illegal spaceship betting, settling down


𓇻 Emmy 'Ranger' Caddet
𓇻 Emmy 'Ranger' Caddet
Emmy Caddet

In: Rogue Faction Characters

"I'm just a Rogue. That's it. I get by, just like all the others. I fight Hegemons, just like all the others. Not that special. I'm no Deadeye... Find that comforting, actually. You owe the universe nothin' if you have no significance to it."

— ' Caddet Journal Entry, #8'

Emmy Ranger Caddet is a smuggler associated with the Rogue faction and a vagabond spacefarer in the year 2991. She is a crewmember on The Crimson Glory. She is often described as a scoundrel, a taffer, and a cocky bastard.

Born on November 23rd, 2965 on Planet Manhattan, Emmy had always been documented as some sort of scoundrel. Even as a little kid, she was always getting into trouble.
After the capture and loss of her father to The Hegemony in 2982, she decided she couldn't remain on Manhattan forever, as she began to see behind the shiny, sleek streets of the planet and see it for what it really was; A dystopia.
Before the event she had managed to obtain an old, beat-up, rustbucket of a ship dubbed "The Wanderer", which she used to set off the planet, and used as a home during this period in her life.
Shortly after ditching Planet Manhattan, she started her descent into the Rogue faction's money-earning schemes. She partakes in sketchy freelance work, as is common within the faction. Emmy has found herself to be pretty damn good at smuggling. She has been sneaking past contraband such as BlueRay, banned weaponry, and other illegal goods for years.
However, this didn't come without risk, something Caddet herself learned the hard way in 2984.
During a smuggling mission on a heavily-guarded planet, Emmy had foolishly let her cockiness get the better of her and didn't take proper precautions for the trip. This caused her to get caught with contraband by the planet's faction, who wasn't pleased to see a criminal with illegal goods on their premises. They shot her with radiated weaponry, a method of attack dubbed so cruel by the outside world that many factions have banned it outright due to the effects it has on the receiver, and left her for dead.
Though, she never died. The firearm damage had spread to some parts of her body, primarily in the head, but it hadn't been enough to fully immobilize her.
Eventually, Caddet had gotten enough treatment that the radiation wouldn't cause any more cellular damage to herself or to others, but the scarring from the incident had never left, and neither did the radiated growth from the effects of the weaponry. Despite the fact that medical professionals in that sector had offered to remove the irradiated growth on her head, Emmy denied the offer, as she had sharpened the mass into sharp horns that she had grown to like a little, despite their oddity. (NOTE, she IS able to cut them off and then glue/weld them back on like some sort of maniac…)
She lived the upcoming months trying to bite back the throbbing pain that remained from the attack and continue her life of crime, albeit less, as she now knew the real consequences of what could happen to her if she wasn't careful. Despite this, she was still cocky as ever.

Sometime between the years of 2986-2987 she had met fellow smuggler Apollo K. Solo, the two quickly agreeing to be partners in crime. After a period of working together on sketchy missions and splitting the credits 50/50, Apollo had left abruptly after what had been presumably thought to be a touching moment, leaving Caddet dumbfounded in her ship. 

In 2991, she found refuge on the Crimson Glory after a Hegemony attack, later choosing to remain there as a crewmember after she realized it may be one of the few chances for long-term companionship she may get. Despite her nature, she had found herself becoming quite lonely. Though she never wanted to admit it.


(*Cough*) "How 'bout we call it a tie, yeah?..."

— Emmy Caddet, bloody and bruised, after clearly losing a fight

Throughout the years, Emmy had managed to keep up the appearance of being a reckless taffer on the run from the Hegemony, a big-shot smuggler with a lopsided reputation to match the shots of her pistol, but deep down, her overall thoughts are more complicated than this.
In reality, Emmy Caddet is reckless due to the fact that she doesn't believe anything truly matters, especially not in the grand scheme of the universe. She believes to be just a grain of sand in the ocean of the galaxy; Unimportant. As much as she wants to bring righteousness to the universe, she believes it to be impossible on her own.
With this thought process, she got used to the way her world ran. People get addicted to substances, people need their fix. People get hurt, and the villains get away with it. It's every man for himself, unless you strike gold and get some companions on your side.
Go out in your ship, risk getting raided by bandits. Don't go out in your ship, risk getting raided by corrupt factions, unless your home is already regulated by them.
Go against the Hegemony and you might die, work for the Hegemony and you might die.
But to Emmy, that's just how things are. No point in pretending like you can fix it.
It's a one-sided coin flip, but, might as well take out a couple of Hegemons before they take out you, y'know?
Despite the fact that Emmy claims to see this unimportantness as comforting, she still finds herself occasionally feeling immense amounts of dread as the thoughts catch up to her, which can lead to paranoia.
Despite this, she refuses to let her paranoia show to others, not even the people closest to her. She is worried that showing these emotions will make others perceive her as weak, which she believes goes against her entire agenda. She has a bad habit of pushing herself to the extreme and never giving up in situations such as bar fights and duels, even if it is clear she is in over her head. She doesn't want to be perceived as a quitter.

Her reckless nature has caused her to be incredibly adventurous and noted to be quite a daredevil. Sometimes she does it to try to impress people, other times she does it just to give herself a rush. This isn't necessarily a good thing, as it results in her putting herself in danger's way.
This personality trait, combined with alcohol, is not a good combination.

Though she is a notorious scoundrel, it's pretty damn easy to get on her good side. She even feels chummy with some of the people she's fought or bickered with in the past, seeing their interactions as just fun and games.
For those she truly cares about, she will stop at nothing to fight for them.


"Listen here, I ain't gonna go in guns blazing... Not immediately. But you gotta get this, there's a lotta people who don't like me. Not around here. They catch me and they aren't just gonna try to get to me, they're gonna try to get to you... Y'know? If we make any mistakes and I can't get my pistol out in time, it's lights out for both of us. Remember that."

— Emmy Caddet, warning an acquaintance before wandering into Hegemony territory

Being a scoundrel, Emmy Caddet has her fair share of bad reputations with several groups, most notoriously the Hegemony. Many Hegemons would love to see her head on a platter, so she must lay low in these territories. Though, because she is not as notorious as some Rogues, there is a chance that she will remain undetected.
Emmy is not too fond of the League Bandits, and while she doesn't have a negative reputation with them, is not too interested in doing jobs for them.
Emmy appears to not have any major issues or conflicts in Proxyon territories. She sometimes does freelance work for people in their regions.
Emmy appears to not have any major issues or conflicts with the Peacekeepers. (Though, because they occupy the same territories as The Hegemony, she is weary of them.)



-Atlas Sirius
-See page Atlas Sirius
Designated "Emmy Nickname": TBA
Though Emmy doesn't often have respect for authority, Atlas Sirius (the captain of The Crimson Glory) is one of the few she has taken a genuine liking to. Ever since he had helped her to escape a life-or-death situation involving a Hegemony soldier (...Rigel), she had grown to see the man as a good soul. They eventually encountered each other once more, when Emmy had attempted to make a quick buck by selling an old ship part of hers, and Atlas had happened to be wandering the Rogue black market. After a bit of catching up, some drinks, and Atlas worryingly telling Emmy about the rundown condition of his own ship, Emmy gave him some tips to pinpoint him in the right direction.
Atlas, being around the rogue for a while, began to notice that she seemed incredibly lonely under that cocky persona of hers. He didn't want to leave her to the unreliable life she led without offering at least a little companionship, so he offered her a spot on the Crimson Glory. Emmy, shaking off the shock that somebody other than a pirate band actually wanted her on their crew, had happily agreed.
The two became closer, becoming what many would say to be best friends, and eventually more than that as time went on.
Emmy truly cares for him, and would take a hundred bullets for him if it meant he'd be happy.

-Rigel Orion
-See page Rigel Orion
Designated "Emmy Nickname": TBA
While Emmy and Rigel Orion initially had quite a rough upbringing, the two eventually became incredibly good friends throughout time.
Their first encounter

(TBA. Lazy.)

-Arcturus ("Arc")
-See page Arcturus
Designated "Emmy Nickname": "Moonwalker"
'Caddet had always found herself being slightly weirded out by Arc, initially, but it never bothered her too much. Her "profession" had caused her to be experienced with a number of "odd" people, so to her, he was just another silent guy in a spacesuit. While she always tries to be chummy and buddy-buddy with him, she can tell that he does not quite trust her completely. Though, as their time together has increased along The Crimson Glory, they seem to have developed a respect for eachother, even if Arc still shows to be untrusting.


-Apollo K. Solo
-See page Apollo
Designated "Emmy Nickname": " 'Pollo", "Klutz:", "Red"

It can be difficult to determine how 'Caddet feels, or rather, felt about Apollo due to how they had treated each other in the past, as well as various other circumstances. Beginning as acquaintances due to a mixup in what was presumably a solo mission being assigned to two different smugglers at once, the two had become friends rather quickly; or so Emmy had thought. It is clear that while Apollo had cared for her, his tendency to push others away to avoid reliving the mistakes of his past caught up to him after he had abruptly left during what was thought to be a touching moment. Emmy found herself almost resenting Apollo in a way for this, despite trying to use her old tactics of manipulating herself into believing it was never something she should have cared about in the first place. It is presumed that Emmy had some sort of emotional dependence on Apollo because their interactions had caused her to realize that he may be the only friend she'd ever have in her risky occupation. Being alone for so long had resulted in her confusing her own mind once he had left as she tried to understand what she truly wanted. Though she downplays the incident, it is clear that it had some sort of psychological effect on both of them.




Emmy's weapon of choice. Due to the compact and easy-to-carry nature of pistols, she has chosen them as her main weapon.

Her (claimed) "main occupation", 'Caddet has taken a liking to smuggling, and has been doing it for practically her entire adult life.
The rush it brings, compared with her dubious nature makes it a perfect "job" for her.
The Wanderer is equipped with various shielded cargo holds for missions such as these. She is able to hoard a good load of cargo in her ship, but due to its small size, it is unable to haul extreme weights.

Because Emmy has had to crack her way into situations, she equally taught herself to crack her way into safes. In the pockets of her cargo pants, one can often find lockpicks and bobby pins to cater to this need. Though she claims to be a lockpicking prodigy, she is not always reliable and has even broken locks in some cases. (When this happens she often tends to try to throw the locked compartment against something to crack it, even if it will clearly not work.)

Though Emmy does not (USUALLY) tend to steal from the average, innocent person, that's not to say she hasn't been a notorious thief in the past. She'll often try to make grabs at goods from Hegemony markets. In the past, she'd done it as a "necessity" in her eyes, as she needed food. Nowadays, however, she only really does it for her wants, if she does it at all.

Due to Emmy's habit of vagabonding her way through the galaxy, she has had to learn how to talk to people to help get to what she wants. She utilizes her laidback and often clever manners of speech to steer conversations in a way that will benefit her. Whether it's gaining reputation, increasing the number of credits on her missions, or granting a discount at a shop, Caddet will often persistently try to either talk her way in, or out of a situation.
Though, this may backfire, as wiser people tend to see her as sleazy and annoyingly cocky, which will result in them refusing to listen to what she has to say.


'Caddet's radiation burnage has caused her left eye to be wonky. While it doesn't quite impact her to a disabling degree (or at least, that's what she claims), her vision is not as clear as the average person's. It is speculated that her green holo-shades, which are often seen on her while she is piloting spaceships, actually improve her vision. Though, she has never stated it outright.

In Over Her Head: 
Emmy's cocky nature tends to get her into trouble. Sometimes, it is more than she can handle... Even if she still refuses to admit it.

Similar to "In Over Her Head", Emmy's got a bad habit of speaking her mind without thinking, at times. This can cause her to say things that could get her into trouble.



"Whaddya mean 'no guns'?! How the hell am I supposed to outrun those guys without weapons?"


"Z", Emmy Caddet's prized energy-pistol.

"Z" (Energy-pistol 10mm model #64, Barracuda Weaponry company) is the nickname given to Emmy's energy-pistol. She is very proud of it and has been using it for years, despite the flaws it may have. She almost always has it on hand, either smuggled away somewhere in the pockets of her clothes, or holstered on her hip.
Some say that she loves it so much that she sleeps next to it every night, just to keep a (closed) eye on it.

Lockpicks that Emmy uses to break her way into places that she probably shouldn't be in.

Holo-Shades: TBA


Before VS. After...?

A (thoughouly cleaned) pill bottle full of what looks to be Pez candies... Given to Emmy by Atlas Sirus after the odd disappearance of her previous bottle of "anti-interrogation" pills. 

(PIC of The Wanderer TBA)


The Wanderer:
From The Heliosphere's "Documented Spaceships" page...
"The Wanderer is an older, more beat-up ship. It's a miracle the thing's still up and running, but Emmy insists it's "a beaut'". It's got a moderate space that the rogue has essentially turned into her own living quarters."


  • Emmy is known for having a severe alcohol addiction, due to her habit of hanging around bars. It is unknown what her current favorite drink is, as she gives a different answer every time.
  • She has been documented to have a few bounties put onto her head by the Hegemony, and various other anti-rogue forces. Though, these bounties are minor.  
    • Despite this, these bounties were the reason for her first encounter with Rigel Orion.
  • Emmy sees her newfound life as some sort of homage to the life that her father wished he could've given her:
    'A life of exploration, and adventure, not a sad existence on a crummy planet.', as she states.
  • When asked about doing work for The League Bandits, Emmy is noted to be... Uncharacteristically quiet.
  • Her favorite casino is stated to be the famous "Space Race Casino" located in the "Vegas" sector, though she has been spotted hanging around casinos that are much less kept.
  • Emmy is stated to be a "HORRIBLE COOK"

  • Emmy Caddet seems to have a New York/New Jersey-style accent. 
  • Her favorite band is reportedly the English pop-rock band Tears for Fears.
    • With that, her favorite song is "Everybody Wants to Rule the World". It is considered to be her theme.
  • 'Caddet appears to be a hard representation of the "lovable rogue" trope seen in media, as are many of the other "Rogue faction" members.

  • -Playlist ✦✧✦✧