
.: Overview :.

Ampere is a strict, and hardworking blue electric elemental who works as a film director in Mitsurin City. She has an electric whip as a weapon.

.: General Info :.

Name: Ampere
Pronunciation: Am-pire
Nicknames: Ampy
Age: 34
Birthday: April 10th
Species: Elemental (Electric)
Gender: Female (She/They)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’11

.:Distinguishing features:.

Ampere is a busty figure with a navy blue color. Having bright blue wings and eyes.

Current residence: Mitsurin City
Current home: Fancy Apartment
Occupation: Film Studio Director
Relationship status: Single
Social status: N/A

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: N/A
Language: Common
Other languages known: N/A
Style of speaking: N/A

.: Personality :.

Ampere can seem extremely uptight and strict while working. And she is. But outside of work, she can be more laid back. However, this is a rare occurrence due to Ampere being a workaholic and is honestly glued to her film work.  

When Ampere is in love, she would constantly try to glue herself to her work to get away from her true feelings, afraid of these new feelings. If she's around her crush, she would act stubborn and tsundere-like.

Likes: Coffee, Things going according to plan, Cats, Movies
Dislikes: Disorganization, Messes
Hobbies/past times: Brainstorming ideas, Practicing her whip tricks
Guilty pleasures: Juicy plot twists
Pet peeves: Stains
Personal goals: To write and direct numerous films and become recognized for her work.
Religious values: Aether, and The Celestial Sisters.
General intelligence: 
General sociability: 

.: Relationships :.


She has an adoptive mother and father



Friends (currently)


Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: N/A
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful unless provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: Electric whip

.: Abilities :.

-Electric Whip-
Ampere has the ability to summon an electric whip. It has an electromagnetic pull

.: Fears :.

Ampere has an intense fear of failure.

.: Health :.

Ampere is perfectly healthy

.: History :.

Ampere was an orphan child at a young age, however, was adopted by a nice family who adored Ampere’s creativeness. Ampere has always had a passion for movie-making, as a child, she always dreamed about making and directing her own movies. As she grew older, she never grew out of that dream and continued to pursue it. Getting a degree in the film industry and working her way up to become what she is today. Living her dream as a film director.

As of now, Ampere works in Mitsurin City as a film director.

.: Other Details :.
