Shiloh Bower



6 years, 8 months ago


◄     Shiloh Bower     ►

BIRTHDAY  March 16 HEIGHT  5'7

Likely the most easygoing member of the group of four, Shiloh tends to have a casual approach to relationships and life in general. Though he's the calmest, he's also the least attached to the group, and doesn't seem to rely on companionship as much as his friends do. Sometimes they'll have a get-together and Shiloh will simply flake out, not even texting until the next day (or whenever I feels inspired to) in order to say "sorry, wasn't feeling it" or "maybe next time."

Shiloh is averse to drama and has become increasingly uninvolved with his group of friends since the introduction of 1 boi.



• Shiloh has anxiety, OCD, and TS. Although the degree of severity has decreased with age, he still experiences tics (both verbal and motor) when he becomes stressed, excited, or otherwise emotionally charged.
• Although Shiloh is sleepy by nature, the culprit behind his consistent (and crippling) lethargy is Haloperidol.
• Shiloh also does not drink alcohol because of the Haloperidol, but he also can't function as a designated driver due to fatigue.
• The least criminal of his friends. At worst Shiloh is a first degree jaywalker.
• Still goes trick-or-treating.
• Collects calendars with animal pictures and flips to his birth month to see what picture "represents" him. He'll look up his friend's birth months to do the same for them as well.
• Prefers bland food to flavorful unless the food in question is a dessert. In that case, the sweeter the better.
• Keeps a journal and tries to record all of his thoughts and feelings each day.
• Started using nail polish to combat his chronic nail-biting habit. Ditched the nail-biting, kept the nail polish.
• Gets along well with his two brothers in short increments only. Living together has proven to be unpractical, if not unbearable.
• Can make a very authentic-sounding meow.
• When it comes to clothes, Shiloh values comfort above all else. He does value his appearance though, and so his clothes, while cozy, will always be fashionable. Except in his home. Then he might not look so coordinated.
• Collects candles and essential oils and might even give some to you if he has doubles or doesn't like the smell.
• Treats animals like children and will not curse or tell ribald jokes when they are present.
• On the topic of animals, Shiloh has two cats--Creepy and Spooky--who are littermates. It is rare to see one without the other.
• Sometimes when Shiloh tells his other friends he doesn't want to hang out it's because he's already helping 2 boi watch his nephew.