


6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Telekinesis eyes. Can control objects when said object is in her field of vision.


Female (she/her)




Thai, though is currently a transfer student in Japan


 Her quirk is kind of a force pulling objects around, so it won't work if the object has a greater force resisting the motion, or if its weight is considerable, for example she can't make a tree fly into the air as its roots are deeply set into the ground. she can't move around an human much because their muscle strenght usually resist against it, however she can incapacitate them greatly this way as they will have to struggle against the force trying to control their body. Her telekinesis powers are pretty strong though! She mostly uses her quirk on her high pigtails and light & flexible or small things in combat, like clothes, small rocks and such.

She keeps to herself out of shyness and trauma, but at heart she’s a very bubbly person. She’s very gentle and wouldn’t think of hurting a fly. Even though strangers she feel she can’t be comfortable and herself with, she’s friendly and eager to help, though she stammers. She really loves magical girl animes, she digs sailor moon a lot! Def a comfort show for her

She used to get bullied in primary school because of her eyes' appearance, until one day she lashed out on them with her quirk and sent them to the hospital for medium injury. She got away with no trial due to her situation but she did get problems with the school. The bullying stopped out of fear, but her reputation only got worse and people trashtalked her a lot. It's one of the reasons why she prefers hiding her eyes behind glasses. She became a transfer student at Suu & Ayako's school. 

She always has high pigtails that falls in her field of vision

She has a girlfriend!