Hannah Mae Marshall



2 years, 10 months ago


Character concept by @copernicusjone1 on Twitter!

Pronouns: She/her
Ethnicity: White American (1/4th Mexican)
Sexuality: Straight (aspec)

Appearance: Hannah Mae dislikes wearing pants and is usually seen in shorts or a skirt. She loves cowboy boots - she has a variety of them and will wear them whenever she's able. Her preferred cowboy hat is white. She dresses according to the weather and the clothes she wears during the summer are fairly revealing. In the winter, she wears a skirt with leggings with a sweater and winter jacket.

Hannah Mae Marshall is the daughter of Jake Marshall and Angel Starr and the younger sister of Clinton (Clint) Neil Marshall.

Hannah Mae is your typical Texan popular girl - a popular "go-getter" getting along with almost everyone and a prominent player in almost all the sports clubs in her school. Nobody knows how many sports she plays, not even Hannah Mae herself. Although Hannah Mae is very athletically and academically gifted, she does have a reputation for being very confrontational and violent. She's very well-known for her short fuse and bad temper but outside of that Hannah Mae is an extremely loyal, sweet, and compassionate friend. Despite their initial rocky start, she eventually becomes best friends - and eventually lovers - with Dallas Philsbury.

Hannah Mae often feels like she's in a state of constant stress due to extracurriculars and pressure put on her by adults to go to college and do sports professionally - something that she feels very hesitant about due to fear from an old and almost disabling athletic injury. This stress and pressure to succeed is part of the reason why to others, she may come off as high-strung when working in groups or in team settings. After graduating high school, her ability to stablize her mood improves significantly. She eventually pursues equine science and becomes a rancher.

She likes shopping, animals, and spicy food. Her favorite kind of music is country, pop, and anything that's extremely popular or trending. Interestingly enough, despite her nonchalant attitude with bugs, Hannah Mae has a fear of "wet n' slimy" things like slugs and frogs - though she has no issue with worms because "they're harmless." She gets huffy if you press or question her about this.

Dallas Philsbury: Her middle school arch-enemy turned boyfriend. They get together shortly after graduating high school and moving in together to cut costs on rent.

Clint Marshall: They care about each other as siblings do, but also worry a lot about the other. Clint occasionally steps in to give her life advice or to help her out of a bad situation.