Clinton (Clint) Neil Marshall



2 years, 10 months ago


(Character idea by jake-marshall)

Pronouns: He/him
Ethnicity: White American (1/4 Mexican)
Sexuality: Bisexual (No preference)
Occupation: Chef (Current)

Clint Marshall is the first born son of Angel Starr and Jake Marshall. He works as a restaurant owner and head chef in San Antonio, Texas. He’s the older brother of Hannah Mae Marshall and a good friend rival of Dallas (Dally) Philsbury. He's very skilled at his craft, and is able to learn how to prepare dishes just from watching people do it once. He likes to pull a prank on people where he comes with up the most disgusting dish he can think of, and sneaks it in with a bunch of delicious, high-quality food to trick them into eating it. This has gotten him in huge trouble numerous times in the past, but this never deters him from attempting it again.

Clint is a very carefree spirit, going wherever his heart desires. Despite his moderate to poor academic performance, Clint is extremely observant and has shown an astounding level of "street smarts" from a young age, comparable to that of his mother and father. Clint cares very deeply for his friends and family, often gladly (and subtly) putting their well-being over his own. He has a bit of a self-depreciating streak that he tries to keep hidden.

Clint has grown to be a successful and promising figure in culinary school, but becomes severely burnt out to the point where he is forced to drop out by the headmaster due to declining mental health. He stays away from cooking for a few years, taking some impressive odd-jobs during this time (modeling, singing, etc.) Eventually, he starts his own bar restaurant.

His favorite food is authentic street food tacos and omelets with steak. His favorite music is country rock and heavy metal. In addition to cooking, he likes playing cards, camping, and occasionally making art (that he never shows anyone).