Lizzie (and Beezlebub)



2 years, 8 months ago


Lizzie is an undead hyena. They came back from the dead because of an eldritch tagalong, Beelzebub. The relationship between Lizzie and Beezlebub is similar to that of Eddie Brock and Venom. Sometimes, if Lizzie is in danger, Beezlebub will go full eldritch mode, absorbing Lizzie into them becoming something like the erupting dreadwolf from MtG. Beezlebub goes by xe/xem, and is agender.
Lizzie tried their best to hide Beezlebub, but both of them need to eat. Beezlebub and Lizzie can communicate telepathically, but both can talk normally.
They also try to hide the fact that they are undead. They want to be seen as normal, and have a pretty average job working in a diner.
Some people would try to find Lizzie and Beezlebub if they knew about their story, which is why Lizzie keeps it on the down low. They try and avoid their old friends and family, which is helped by the fact that their fur pattern changed when they came back.
They died when they were abducted by a serial killer and murdered. They still have some missing posters up with their old name, though they try and avoid them. They weren’t the only victim of the serial killer. Beezlebub wants to hunt down and kill the serial killer, Lizzie just wants to lead a normal life. in their old life they were burned out and tired, and they just don’t want the stress.
As a child, Lizzie was unwanted child. They are afraid of bathtubs because their parents were convinced that they were a changling after they came out as nonbinary. After all, their precious child wouldn’t stray from the gender God has chosen, so it must not be the real child. They held Lizzie down and slashed their wrists to try and make it look like suicide. Luckily, some neighbors heard the screaming and Lizzie was able to be saved and rushed to the hospital. they spent some time being bounced around a few foster homes because their parents were in jail for child endangerment and attempted murder. When Lizzie turned 18, they were on their own and began working as a cashier in some dollar store. One day, on their way home from work, they took a detour into some woods to just let out some anger and stress. While they were doing this, however, Lizzie was abducted, tortured, and murdered. 

👻 - what are their fears? Lizzie: Being found out as being undead, serial killers, sharp knives, being murdered againBeezlebub: How dare you suggest that the unknowable Beezlebub is capable of having weak mortal emotions such as fear! (lemons and vacuum cleaners)
💧 - what do they do when they're upset? Lizzie: goes to their room and listens to loud rock music the type with lots of screaming and if no one is there screaming along to it. Also if they're especially upset they'll take a drive and find somewhere alone in the wilderness and just. let it all out. screaming, crying, cursing, whatever. or if its not a customer just shouting at the person works too (especially if that person is Rictus) Beezlebub: eats someone :) also smashing things and watching buildings burn