🚙 Lilith 🚙



2 years, 9 months ago


Lilith Tailin Adventurous . Independent . Fearless . Curious . Compassionate . Energetic



Lily Tailin, the spirited and adventurous daughter of Ryan and Brittni, is a vivacious force of nature, radiating boundless energy and enthusiasm that infuses every corner of her world. Born on the serendipitous day of November 19th, 2015, Lily shares not only her birthday but also an indomitable spirit with her father, Ryan. From the moment she entered the world, Lily has embodied the essence of a young explorer, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and her heart as expansive as her love for big trucks.

Her infectious laughter is a constant melody, echoing through the halls of their home and bringing joy to those lucky enough to share in her adventures. Lily's insatiable curiosity propels her into a world of discovery, where every nook and cranny becomes a potential playground for her young and inquisitive mind. Fearlessly facing the world, Lily's love for action movies and explosions is a testament to her daring spirit, embracing excitement with wide-eyed wonder.

Lily's passion for offroading, exploring the land, and camping reveals a true nature enthusiast, finding joy in the untamed beauty of the outdoors. The thrill of offroad escapades and the serenity of camping under the vast sky capture Lily's heart, creating a tapestry of experiences that shape her adventurous soul. Despite her penchant for excitement, Lily remains deeply connected to her family, finding comfort, security, and boundless joy in the warm embrace of her parents and her robotic companions. Lily Tailin, a beacon of youthful exuberance, is a joy to be around, spreading laughter and delight to everyone fortunate enough to share in the magic of her spirited existence.


  • Her Family:
    Lily's love for her family, especially her Cybertronian friends, forms the foundation of her world.
  • Big Trucks:
    With dreams of becoming a famous monster truck driver, Lily's fascination with big trucks is evident in her every expression of joy.
  • Offroading and Exploring the Land:
    Lily's adventurous spirit thrives when exploring uncharted territories and navigating offroad landscapes.
  • Action Movies, Explosions, and Special Effects:
    Lily's love for the exhilarating world of action movies mirrors her own fearless approach to life.
  • Rain and Thunderstorms:
    The natural beauty and drama of rain and thunderstorms captivate Lily's imagination, creating a sense of wonder.
  • Camping:
    Lily finds solace and excitement in the simplicity of camping, embracing the outdoors with her family.


  • Being Told No:
    Lily's independent nature makes her resistant to limitations, and being told no challenges her spirited determination.
  • Baths:
    Lily's dislike for baths may stem from a desire to stay outdoors and active, resisting the confinement of a tub.
  • Being Alone:
    Lily thrives on connection and company, disliking solitude and finding comfort in the presence of others.
  • PDA:
    Lily's aversion to public displays of affection reflects her preference for personal space and independence.
  • School:
    The structured environment of school clashes with Lily's free-spirited approach to learning and exploration.
  • Bullies:
    Lily's compassionate nature leads her to dislike any form of negativity, particularly bullying behavior.




Lily Tailin's extraordinary journey commenced within the warm embrace of a loving and adventurous family environment. From the outset, Lily's life was colored by the richness of familial bonds and the thrill of exploration. Growing up alongside her brother Elijah, Lily's formative years unfolded amidst the hum of giant robot cars, creating a backdrop of wonder and excitement that would shape her unique perspective on life.

In this unconventional yet nurturing environment, Lily's connection to Nightlight, the Cybertronian companion, transcends the boundaries of mere friendship. The duo proudly displays matching "Friendship Bracelets," a tangible symbol of the unspoken bond they share. These vibrant blue and cyan braided bracelets serve as a constant reminder of the unbreakable ties woven between Lily and her metallic confidant, creating a visual testament to the enduring camaraderie that defines their relationship.

Lily's early aspirations reflect a dream as big and bold as her spirit — the desire to become a famous monster truck driver. This ambition, coupled with her unwavering love for big trucks, paints a picture of a young adventurer fueled by boundless dreams and the thrill of life's grand possibilities. Raised in an environment that fostered fearlessness, Lily navigates the world with an unbridled spirit, unafraid of heights or tall objects. Her contagious love for adventure becomes a guiding light, illuminating the path to a future filled with excitement, exploration, and the embrace of whatever challenges lie ahead.

Current Story Arc

As Lily grows and continues to navigate the extraordinary challenges of life intertwined with alien robots, her current story arc revolves around discovering her own identity and passions. With dreams of becoming a monster truck driver, Lily seeks opportunities to express her adventurous spirit, potentially participating in local events or finding mentors who can nurture her love for big trucks. As her family faces new challenges, Lily's boundless energy and enthusiasm become a beacon of joy and inspiration, contributing to the dynamic tapestry of their shared adventures with the Autobots and her growing understanding of the world around her.




Daddy is Lily's superhero, a source of warmth and safety. In his embrace, Lily finds comfort and the assurance that everything will be alright. Ryan is the one who spins tales of grand adventures and makes every ordinary day extraordinary. His laughter is the sweetest melody, and Lily's heart dances to its rhythm.



Brittni is Lily's guiding star, a beacon of love and nurturing warmth. In her, Lily finds a confidante, a source of comfort and understanding. Brittni's love is a gentle embrace that wraps around Lily, creating a haven of security and joy. To Lily, Brittni is not just a mother; she is the embodiment of love in its purest form.



Eli is Lily's partner in crime, a playmate in the grand adventure of childhood. His laughter is the soundtrack of their shared escapades, and his presence adds a touch of magic to every moment. Lily sees in Eli not just a brother but a kindred spirit, a co-pilot in their journey of exploration and discovery.



Nightlight is Lily's towering guardian, a gentle giant in the vast canvas of her adventurous world. Though Nightlight is always there to ensure Lily's safety, their joint ventures sometimes result in amusing predicaments that elicit both laughter and exasperation from the family.



While some families may opt for a dog, others prefer the elegance of horses, and many settle for the typical household cat, Lily's choice is quite unconventional. She proudly boasts a talking robot cat named Michael. Though not the epitome of a perfect role model and perhaps responsible for imparting a few less-than-desirable words to Lily, she cherishes him akin to a second brother.

Lilith "Lily" Anne Tailin
Domestic Cat x Serval
November 19th, 2015
Chaotic Good