🛻 Ryan 🛻



9 years, 3 months ago


Ryan Tailin Adaptable . Compassionate . Stubborn . Laid-Back . Devoted . Creative



Ryan Tailin embodies the spirit of an ordinary man with extraordinary qualities. Despite his unassuming appearance, Ryan is a beacon of adaptability, intelligence, and genuine kindness. His laid-back demeanor and goofy sense of humor make him approachable, and he navigates life with a blend of patience and understanding. As a devoted family man, Ryan's compassionate nature extends to both his organic and robotic loved ones, forming unbreakable bonds. Whether tinkering with inventions, cooking up delightful treats, or working alongside alien robots, Ryan remains a steadfast individual, embracing challenges with a mixture of stubborn determination and an open heart.

In his role as a N.E.S.T. operative and advanced robotics engineer, Ryan's proficiency extends beyond the technical realm; he excels in building connections and fostering a sense of camaraderie. His reluctance to hold grudges, even in the midst of a longstanding war, stands as a testament to his forgiving nature. Ryan's life is a delicate balance between the intricacies of family, his commitment to N.E.S.T., and the unexpected alliances formed with the Autobots. As he navigates the complexities of a world entangled in secrets and war, Ryan's unwavering love for his family and his ability to find joy in the simple pleasures make him a unique and endearing individual.


  • His Family:
    Ryan's ultimate source of joy and purpose is his family. The love he holds for his wife Brittni, his adopted children Lilith and Elijah, and even his Cybertronian companions transcends any obstacle. Their well-being and happiness are his top priorities.
  • The Autobots:
    Having formed strong bonds with the Autobots, Ryan harbors a genuine liking for these giant alien robots. Their camaraderie and shared missions create a unique and meaningful connection that goes beyond the ordinary, contributing to Ryan's sense of purpose.
  • Traveling:
    Whether it's for work with N.E.S.T. or leisure with his family, Ryan enjoys the experience of traveling. Exploring new places provides him with fresh perspectives and opportunities to create lasting memories with his loved ones.
  • Football:
    As a fan of football, Ryan finds enjoyment in the excitement and camaraderie of the sport. Whether cheering for his favorite team or engaging in friendly banter with friends, football serves as a source of entertainment and connection.
  • Space / Astronomy:
    Given his background in the Air Force Engineering program and space exploration, Ryan has developed a fascination with space and astronomy. The mysteries of the cosmos captivate his imagination, aligning with his adventurous spirit and love for the unknown.


  • Hypocrites / Liars:
    Ryan values honesty and integrity, making him particularly averse to those who engage in deceit or hypocrisy. Individuals who betray trust or manipulate situations may find themselves on the receiving end of Ryan's disapproval.
  • The Decepticons:
    Having witnessed the destructive nature of the Decepticons in the ongoing war, Ryan harbors a strong dislike for this faction. Their actions and disregard for peace clash with his values, fueling a sense of animosity toward these formidable adversaries.
  • Losing:
    Whether in the context of a mission, a game, or a personal challenge, Ryan dislikes the feeling of defeat. His competitive spirit drives him to strive for success, making him resilient in the face of adversity and pushing him to excel in various aspects of his life.
  • The Dark:
    A unique aversion, Ryan's fear of the dark reveals a vulnerability that contrasts with his otherwise courageous nature. He seeks solace in well-lit environments and uses ambient lighting, such as a fishtank in his bedroom, to dispel the darkness.
  • Spiders:
    Like many individuals, Ryan shares a common dislike for spiders. Their presence triggers a natural aversion, and the idea of encountering these eight-legged creatures elicits a sense of discomfort in him.




Ryan Tailin was born into this world as Ryan Bennett. He never remembered his real parents because they passed away in a car accident. He had been in the car as well but he had been the only survivor. With no other immediate family, Ryan was put into foster care to be adopted. He was raised by strangers for the first two years of his life before a gentle old couple came forward and wanted to adopt him. The Tailin's could never have children of their own and adopting a precious boy was one of the things they'd really wanted. So, Ryan was taken in to the welcoming arms of his new mom and dad, given a new last name, and he was raised like any normal child would be.

Ryan was around 10 years old when he was told he was adopted but it never changed his love for his family. His father Harold was a bit of a handy man. As a retired carpenter, he liked to build things with his hands, always had a tool of some kind on his person at all times, even had a shed out back that he liked to tinker with anything and everything inside. He built most the furniture in the house, the cabinets, the railing for the stairs. He build Ryan's bedroom sets growing up as well! As Ryan grew, it wasn't uncommon for him to be along side his father, helping him with his many projects, learning how to build and enjoying the process of creation. Sadly, Harold passed away of old age when Ryan was around 13, leaving him in the care of just his mother, Marie. While his father liked to build, his mother loved to cook. Marie was the master of the kitchen. She was always cooking, baking, or even just loitering in the kitchen in general. More than often Ryan would assist her as well, growing up to love food and baking just as much as he did building things.

Even after his father passed, Ryan continued to build. He moved on from wood working, to electronics, to computer programming, to robotics. It became a passion for him, a good distraction away from the pain of losing his dad, as well as the knowledge that his mother was getting up there in age as well. He loved her dearly, he did, but with the idea of making her and her father proud, he focused hard on his studies. He put his heart and soul into his school work, excelling in math, science, creative thinking, and even joined the honor courses rather early in to his high school enlistment, becoming one of the top model students of his class.

With all his credits lined out for him, even taking heavy collage courses during high school, Ryan Tailin graduated early at age 17. After enlisting into the Air Force Engineering program, he was trained on ground for a little over a year before graduating that early as well, and was shipped off to a specialized space unit on the USAF Starship Chrisma. He literally became a bonified Astronaut at merely 18 years old. Onboard the USAF Starship Chrisma, Ryan worked closely with their robotics program, as well as off world exploration which was generally for testing their robotic breakthroughs. After he turned 21, his project had eventually "failed", and he returned home along with Michael and Serena, two of his program's organic robot prototypes.

Needing something to do other than sit around at home, Ryan quickly got a part time job at the cafe, but when his adopted mother passed away and Serena left Michael in Ryan's care, Ryan decided to move out of his home at age 22. In that time, he moved in to the apartments with an old friend, got fired from his cafe job, and met a beautiful girl named Brittni. For a while, Ryan suffered through depression and had trouble coping with the changes. It was really only a few months later when he got in a fight with his roommate's guardian figure and had to moved back to his parent's, now officially his, house. Fortunately, he was not alone, as soon Brittni and Ryan's relationship became more serious and she moved in, becoming his new roommate.

Shortly after things were getting serious with his and Brittni's relationship, Ryan was unexpectedly deployed back to USAF. He served another year for his country and eventually was noticed by a certain special forces team. After they approached him with their ideas, Ryan became a N.E.S.T. operative when he turned 24 and became a personalized advanced robotics engineer, but honestly it felt more like something like a.. mechanic, of sorts. N.E.S.T. certainly was something else, that was for sure. Learning that there were alien robots that lived alongside with the humans for years, unbeknownst to virtually everyone, was certainly an eye opener for the young inventor. With the agreement that he was able to return home here and there as long as he swore to secrecy, Ryan would always come back home to Brittni. One day, shortly after a promotion of earning a new partner, Ryan finally asked Brittni to marry him, and they have been happily married since August 16th, 2014.

At home, Ryan's family has grown. Michael the robot cat still lingers about, helping around the house some times, even helping Ryan with his work if he ever asks. Ryan and Brittni also now have a five year old daughter, soon to be six, named Lilith, and a three year old son named Elijah. It had been a surprise to both Ryan and Brittni when they found out their connections to the Autobots, but the proud parents of two wouldn't have it any other way than to have their intelligent alien robot friends help raise their children alongside them. To this day Ryan still proudly works with N.E.S.T. alongside his Cybertronian companion Nightlight during the day, and he returns home as often as he can, to be with his family.

Current Story Arc




In Brittni, Ryan finds an anchor to his soul. She is the steady beat in the rhythm of their lives, the one who understands the language of his heart. Brittni's unwavering support and love create a sanctuary in their home, a place where even the challenges of the world fade away. She is his partner in every sense, a companion who makes the ordinary extraordinary and the extraordinary, beautifully ordinary.



Lily is the laughter that echoes through Ryan's heart, a vibrant melody that brings boundless joy. Her adventurous spirit and insatiable curiosity light up their world, and in her, Ryan sees the promise of a future filled with wonder. Lily is the living embodiment of the love he shares with Brittni, a testament to the beauty of their family's journey.



Eli is the echo of Ryan's passions and dreams, a reflection of a shared love for life's adventures. Ryan sees in Eli the continuation of their family legacy, a torchbearer of enthusiasm and curiosity. Eli's presence is a reminder that the journey they embark on is not just a solo quest but a collective exploration, a tapestry woven with threads of love, family, and the extraordinary.



Nightlight is more than a Cybertronian companion to Ryan; he is a trusted ally and a loyal friend. In Nightlight, Ryan finds a kindred spirit with whom he shares the complexities of their intertwined worlds. The hum of Nightlight's presence is a soothing melody that resonates with camaraderie, offering not just protection but a profound connection that goes beyond the boundaries of man and machine.



Ryan's initial clash with Michael resembled the clash of incompatible gears, where differences in personality and understanding led to a rocky start. The robot cat's mischievous antics and undesirable habits grated against Ryan's sensibilities. But, through shared experiences, collaborative projects, and the acknowledgment of each other's strengths, Ryan recognized Michael not just as a mischievous robotic companion but as an integral part of the family.

Ryan Asa Tailin
Domestic Cat
November 19th, 1990
Chaotic Good