


2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Name Eskelion
Area General Hive
Birth 11/08/21
Gender He/Him
Race PixieMoth
Role King of the Hive
Alignment Neutral Good

Eskelion is known to get lost all the time and doesn't like to be reminded of. Majority of people considers him cold and antisocial by his appearance and his manner of acting, but others consider him more soft and shy. He hides his emotions a lot. he loves being independent and building his own things with his own talents, which he can even present proudly if he is confident.


  • Be active
  • Water/Ice
  • Rare gems
  • Make his own things


  • Spicy stuff
  • Hot
  • Being lost
  • Too much attention


C Wisp
B Crystal
A Butterfly
S tundra

Parents : Unknow
Siblings : None
Childrens : Thina (Adopt daughter)
Lover : None
Friends : Laec (best friend) and Yokai (Best Friend)
Ennemis : Arcane (Too chaotic and dangerous)
Other : None
Turquoise Flames/Butterfly Aura (pacification)


Eskelion is known to get lost all the time and doesn't like to be reminded of and thats the reason why he got lost from his old hive. He ends up finding a big pretty mountain decorated with two olds giants cherry trees. going to take a closer look, he fell into the abyss located between these two trees and fell in the water. opening his eyes again, a manific underground filled with colored crystals on the magical grey grass and vines. Its this magnificent sight that he made him understood that he was going to settle down here.

some stories

Eskelion started his career as the hive engineer, When him and Laec had the brillant idea to establish houses for lost moths like them and to put a roof on Lil thina's head, he was definitly the most Hardworking and optimistic about creating a hive from the ground. The reason why he was wondering from his old hive was because he didn't like the system of it , but mostly he hate the Queen. The territory was perfect , The water was pure , the caves was light up by colorful crystals, there were no big hostiles Predators Arounds And finally the nearest Moth hive was really really far, Eskelion didnt wanted to Deal with trades , influence or a possible land War with them. With Yokai arrival, they were the strongest Building trio  : Eskelion was working on creating places to live , homes, plaforms and furnitures, Laec was looking for the materials needed to produce potions and help eskelion decorate and finally Yokai was was the cook and bard of the gang, he was able to predict The weather and the possible Bad circumstances they could meet and avoid.

With the arrival of Guardian and extinct , All the calm of the nest was suddenly jostled. When his meteor Body Crashes , All cherry Trees territory From the Nightmarish Mountain ranges (East, to The Exterior Coral Shore (south, to the end of the Lullaby of Hope Forest (West), To the Sacred Plains Where he crashed (North), Powerful Astral wave submerges the grounds and separates from the surrounding earth. At that time, Eskelion was coming back with Laec and yokai from there exploration , The magical wave hits so hard that everyone fall asleep on shock , Fortunately, the wave had made the gravity similar to that of the moon for a short while, so no one was hurt. When he awake , Guardian was in front him , Looking very sleepy and injury , Eskelion had doubts that his must have been the one who had made The wave and earthquack of the appearance and size of his wings, But he couldn't stand just leaving him that wea. He stand up,ignore the possible consequences of His actions and take him under his wings like he did with everybody else. Thina was against it but Yokai predict that they were really powerful and that the territory wouldn't make it after that shake without him. He later learned after being healed, that he was a minor god.

The more time progressed, the more wave effects appeared. Starting with the fact that the lands were now enchanted and was acting consciously on its own, all the pixie moths who were accepted by the one who the lands call King , which was Eskelion because he saved Guardian, Could received the land benediction, this benediction had effects as Gaining the ability to become as large as Naked-skin beings (Humans) (all pixies have now two Forms: natural and Wild, the Wild forms sizes varies between each moths from the size of a cat to the size of an elephant) and they become magical. The second great effect is that the territory that had been separated from the earth around, sometimes manages to float in the air, not very easily but each time it floats a little longer, which clearly defines the boundaries of the territory.

was it mentioned that the lands had CHOSEN the king? no ones could changes that anymore , not even Guardian. Eskelion doesn't want to know anything about the role of king, it puts a lot of pressure on his shoulders , he was even piss by the fact that he didnt had a choice. Yokai try to explain that he was already playing the king role before it happens and that he could be a proud king respected by his hive members , but he doesn't want to listen and can't imagine it.

As life continue, Guardian had a child, who calls himself Arcane, as a malicious grub, nothing was too terrible , but when It hatched from its cocoon, he grows with hate and an hunger of destruction. Being a real danger to the others , Eskelion chases him away many times but he was always coming back creating more chaos around. Guardian tried to calm him down but he was only getting more agressive seeing guardian. one day he badly hurt Thina , that day , Eskelion had enough, but before a big mistake was made on his way to banish him , he found Opal sitting infront Arcane who was lay down , singing for him softly , he was calm. For the first time, they have communicated, being probably one of the only times he would accept to talk, they both established codes and rules to follow and he was finally accepted within the hive , which not a lot of people agreed.

When the hive hits 26 members , The roots of the abyss , Specifically Laec and yokai, thrown a big party without Eskelion knowing because he would have been probably against it. When everything was ready , They made sure that he walked to the general plaform between the two cherry trees and he all jumpscared him screaming happy hive birthday!!! Eskelion had an mental heart-attack , but in the end , he likes the thought of it , which made everyone gone crazy. they all give him gifts and letters about how much they love him being a king for them , which BY THE WAY Eskelion still didn t accept after a year.



Laec  [ Best friend ]

His first Moth friend and the one with who he decided to make togheter a new hive for lost moths and grubs who's ready to start a new life in the Roots of the Abyss. he find him really annoying at times with his rocks nonsenses and Love honeys addiction , but when Laec scared , it makes him laugh hard


Yokai  [ Cooking Friend ]

His little personal clown, Yokai is like a right-hand man when he comes to making difficult decisions. He will always be there to cheer him up when he is in a bad mood or to tell him how stranges his inventions is , guess he's honest at least


Thina  [ Adopt daughter ]

Laec Daughter , he was suppose to raise her alone , but sissy as he were , Eskelion help him like a second father , she had a lot of commum interest , so he teach her the basics and how to survive on her own , even if Laec didn t want too. He'll protect her at all cost