Laurie + Sascha



2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Laurie, “Big Lee”
Age: 26
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Human?

A man who spends more time at home than not, Laurie primarily ventures outside his one-bedroom apartment to get groceries or hit the gym regularly. Deeply anxious, easily embarrassed, and prone to fits of paranoia, Laurie finds it easier to keep to himself. Hes the type of person who feels like people are always staring at him and dresses in “intimidating” clothing hoping others avoid him. He is just. Literally afraid of almost everything but actively tries to confront his fears (with.. mixed results). He cares greatly about others and always wants to be helpful especially in team settings and is willing to take a hit for his companions even if hes snot nosed and sobbing as he does it. Hes easily convinced to do things by others if hes told it would be helpful, which results in him being the butt of jokes at times. He knows hes fucked up and let a lot of people down, especially his little sibling Lottie, and wants to be someone who can be relied upon, he struggles with not letting his flight response, overthinking nature, and his total lack of self-confidence get to him. Hes trying!

Lottie- Lauries little sibling, they currently don’t live together.. Laurie moved out of their dysfunctional family home and did not feel he would be able to support Lottie as well as himself at the time and left them behind. Not taking them with him has created a massive rift between the two and he regrets it immensely and has offered to let them move in now that hes more stable but they refuse, as they ran away and are currently living with Anatola. He wants desperately to make it up to them and be there for them, he worries about Lottie a lot. He takes their derisive treatment of him in stride and doesn’t blame them for it.

Anatola- Hes extremely thankful to Anatola for picking up his slack and taking Lottie in when their home situation proved too strenuous to remain in. He simultaneously feels incredibly guilty that she had to get involved at all and wants to make it up to her too.. though he does notice she treats him kind of coldly and tries not to bother her.

Sascha- Laurie was initially nervous about their union but was at one of the lowest points in his life and figured he didn’t have anything to lose by having an alien live in his brain and body, turned out to be one of the few good decisions he feels hes made in his life. The two are currently dating and its pretty serious, Sascha grounds Laurie and has been helping him work through his anxiety and Laurie supports Sascha with his own insecurities. The two are pretty clingy with one another and are most comfortable in their conjunction form. The two somehow managed to reach complete conjunction but the circumstances are incredibly embarrassing to talk about so they cant be much help with figuring it out for the others. Overall, Sascha makes Laurie feel safe, and loves him very much. Laurie is Very afraid of something happening to him.

Briar + Colette- Laurie is particularly close with these two and treats them like younger siblings, although they mostly pick at him and try to get him to make a fool of himself. They don’t cross any lines and its in good spirit so he doesn’t mind but also 100% keeps falling for it. He thinks theyre both incredibly bright but worries about them not being able to mesh with their peers. He tries to set a good example especially for Briar but tends to fall short, she appreciates his efforts though.

Atlee + Idella- Atlee absolutely loves Laurie and likes to play games with him because hes bad at them, Laurie is basically second in command when it comes to keeping an eye on Atlee since hes experienced with kids, especially “weird” kids. He has a soft spot for her but gets embarrassed when people ask if theyre related. He and Idella aren’t very close but theyre on good terms, they trust one another but theres a bit of a generational gap and the whole.. larping thing that Laurie has a hard time getting past.

Darcy + Melibe- Has the least amount of contact with these two, Melibe is sweet but shes very shy and they don’t have much in common to break the ice. Darcy is scary, shes never done anything malicious to him but she doesn’t really socialize with anyone who isn’t Idella. He trusts Darcy’s judgment though. He wants to help her achieve her goal no matter what.

Mona + Nila- Since Laurie is often responsible for reconnaissance and quick retrievals of the aliens he runs into these two weirdly often. Sometimes they stop him sometimes they help him, he cant really get a read on them but he really wants to understand what they want, they could be allies.

Anya’s group- GENUINELY terrified of them, particularly because theyre capable of removing Sascha from him :( He also knows besides Anya theyre all teens and doesn’t want to have conflict with them if possible.

Name: Sascha
Age: Adult
Pronouns: he/they
Species: ????

An escapee from his own world, Sascha sought safety on Earth as others of his kind have done. Unlike the others, Sascha was caught mid exit and was forced to sacrifice his arm to slip free but his injury has done nothing to hinder his standoffish personality and general tough guy attitude. Sascha is very blunt with others and keeps a level head when confronted. He rarely shows anger beyond irritation but hes defensive, incredibly stubborn and doesn’t handle embarrassment well. He can deal with people around his age well but struggles with children. He can take most of the things that cause Laurie anxiety in stride and often acts as a voice of reason because he has little frame of reference for human status quo and just doesn’t care what humans think of him, so he looks at things a bit more objectively. When Sascha is faced with a problem he has full context for his gruff disposition quickly falls apart revealing he is just as prone to fits of panic as Laurie. He manages to hold his own but once the flight response sets in its absolutely over and he will go off the deep end rapidly, thankfully this isn’t something that happens often and Laurie is there for when it does.

Laurie- Sascha was perplexed but rather moved by Laurie’s acceptance of him upon his arrival to Earth. Sascha was in a rather sorry state and pretty incoherent by the time he found Laurie, probably pretty frightening but the man still accepted him even though he was visibly terrified. The two clicked well and are currently in a committed relationship with one another. Sascha likes keeping his affectionate side a secret but hes rather lovey dovey when theyre alone. Laurie is one of the only people who can talk sense to Sascha when hes being too stubborn for his own good or loses his cool, and Sascha admires Lauries ability to fuck up and keep going. Sascha is terrified of being separated from Laurie and sent back “home”.

Briar + Colette- Despite constantly having to prevent these two from making a fool out of himself and Laurie he does have a soft spot for them both. He likes to see humans and his own kind getting along so well like they do and hes kind of protective of them both. He worries for them similarly to Laurie, but Sascha is concerned with how Colette is going to handle being in a completely new world during her teen years. He tries to be there if she needs advice on anything but hes honestly not very good at it.

Atlee + Idella- Sascha does not know how to handle Atlee OR Idella and quite frankly leaves them to Laurie because the kid never runs out of energy and the coot is kind of embarrassing to talk to. Respects Idella for being able to take care of Atlee though.

Darcy + Melibe- Literally so afraid for Melibe sooo so worried about her knows Darcy is too and tries to do his best to keep an eye out for her. Doesn’t know who the mysterious lady sending Melibe messages is but wants to give her a piece of his mind for putting so much pressure on someone so young. He has sort of a quiet understanding with Darcy but the two don’t talk much.

Mona + Nila- Sascha really wants to get to know these two better but is too pissed off by their wishy washy meddling to voice that. He feels like he recognizes Nila from somewhere but cant for the life of him place it.

Anya’s group- AVOID AT ALL COSTS do not confront. Doesn’t know why they think Sascha and the others are monstrous parasites but whatever! (it hurts his feelings but he wouldn’t admit that)

Sunny- Scary. Never met her personally but knows shes not to be crossed and that she forbade contact with the humans too early.

Marrow- What the absolute fuck IS that thing??