
Leonille Celeste
Male (He/ Him)
Prince/ Royal Scientist
186cm/ 6'1"


Cold • Solitary • Clever • Silent • Depressed • stoic

Leonille is the Prince of the Celestial Kingdom.
He never liked the responsibilities of his prince statut, however. Ruling over hundreds of people, being in charge of many royal appointments and laws... It truly was far from being his cup of tea.

What he enjoyed the most was staying in his little basement, his laboratory, for science. Especially experimentations.
In fact, Leon always liked making inventions, to the point of inheriting the career of Royal scientist of his Kingdom from his father.

He is the kind of person with a cold, heartless attitude, but is deep inside a broken person, stricken with depression and slight anxiety, which he avoids revealing.
The only things he cares about are his family and his inventions, Lola being a huge help against his isolation.

He is now a respectable scientist, slowly changing from the past he underwent.


  • Coffee
  • Pastries
  • Staying in his lab
  • Making new inventions
  • Being alone or with small company


  • Loud noises
  • Brushing his hair
  • Too hot temperatures
  • Comparisons to his father
  • Being called by his full name
Potion "I know I couldn't bring myself to run away from my past. And yet I did, and I forced you to follow me." Potion



First child of King Sebastian and Queen Crystal Celest, Leonille had a perfect family life, with loving parents, and a huge destiny ahead of him.
His path was already clear. He would be the Prince of the Celestial Kingdom, and would become the new Royal scientist once his father would retire.
So, at a very young age, Sebastian, the king, called a friend of the royal family and scientist: E.gadd, to take care of Leon's education and would learn everything about science.
So, of course, Leon quickly grew an enormous passion for experimentations, and would look up to his father and mentor a lot.

But then, when hitting 5, Leon learnt that his mother was pregnant! But the happiness got destroyed shortly after when the doctors diagnosed the queen with a severe disease, which no one had a cure for.
With months passing, the queen kept growing weaker and weaker, as she was caring a second person in her belly costing a lot of energy, and making her husband desesperate.
During these months of stress and fatigue, he would completely put his son aside, leaving him alone with Monty to look after him most of the time, or with E.Gadd, so he could focus on crafting a cure for his beloved wife.

The citizens of the most peaceful Kingdom were afraid of their Queen's state, and if she could make it with her pregnancy. So, at the 9th month, learning that the Queen was still fighting was a huge relief. She was able to give birth to her daughter, who was extremely weak, affected by her mother's disease.
In the room, all Leon could remember was his father giving everyone the order to leave the room, the young prince seeing his newborn sister carried by Monty, looking at him. What the young boy was only able to notice before the door got shut down was his mother with closed eyes... motionless.


Leon didn't grow up as a problematic child, but he was seen as rude or silent in general.
Even more around his father.
He learnt from him the death of his mother, and the special case of his sister, which Leon noticed it affected his father in a weird way.
He was cold.
He was still a caring father, but the flame in his eyes was no longer the same.
On top of that, he would openly have a preference for his daughter, completely leaving his son alone; despite him following him around.
It only made Leon even more depressed and lonely, most of if company being the royal protector:
Monty, and his young sister, Lola, who had no clue about the sad world surrounding her.
At first, his he thought of having a hatred feeling toward his own sister...
But he was mature enough to realise she was nothing like a culprit.
Rather a victim as well.

However, when Lola started to grow up more, their father became overprotective, refusing her to go anywhere outside the castle, much to her sadness. And one night, something strange happened.
Stricken with insomnia, Leon went out of his room, wanting to go to his father's lab, aware that everyone was fast asleep, so he would be alone.
But strangely, from the other side of the lab's door, he could hear his father discussing with someone; in a pleading way.
Curious, the young man discreetly entered the room, and for the first time of his life, he felt the fear making his heartbeat goes faster.
He saw with his own eyes his younger sister looking at their father disappearing in front of them, as if he was consumed by a non-human form, which stared at the young man before leaving as well, not without knocking the prince out.


Not remembering a single piece of that precise event he saw years ago, Leon, with his younger sister, became the new rulers of the Celestial Kingdom, after the strange disappearance of the King.
Still, from all he went through in his life, Leon was never mad against his sister, even if he could easily blame her for everything.
Leon was used to spend his entire days in his lab.
It was his refuge, his place to hide, to do what he liked while escaping from reality and royal responsibilities. It was his bubble.
Yet, the important lack of sun exposure and meals was worrying Lola a lot. At first, she wanted her brother to feel safe and being in a calm place, as he wished.
But she couldn't stand how mistreating he was over his own health. So she started to be a little pushy toward him, and would often insist in him going outside, seeing some friends, or just breathing some fresh air.
She learnt to be respectful over his wish of being only with her or alone, him teaching her about boundaries.
He loved his sister deeply for understanding.

It took long.
Years, even. Years in which the worst experiences happened to him and his sister.
But eventually, he started going out of his castle by himself.
Lola was silent about it, but every time she would see him simply walking outside his lab, minding his own business, a proud smile would grow on her face. He slowly began to change by his own will.
He wouldn't see his friends too much, but a little from time to time, which was more than enough to him. He would rather be alone, or with his sister, or even Toadinne.
Much to everyone's surprise, Leon liked the child and would often take care of her as his own.
She, with Lola, was a great help during his isolation phase.
When he spent time alone, it was mostly just by sitting against a tree and rest, doing his tasks as a prince, or doing some training, so he would be in good shape again.


• Has a natural resting-bitch face.

• His right eye is always covered. His left eye has visible eyebags, as well as a mole on the corner of the cheek.

• Leon was born blond, like Lola. Yet, by growing up, his hair slowing turned white because of stress, lack of vitamins, sleep, sun, and traumatic events.

• Leon's boots are actually one of his inventions. In the shoes' sole can be found a jetpack system, which gives him the ability to levitate.

• Leon's scepter and coat used to belong to his father back then. Lola made some modifications on his coat as requested so it wouldn't look the exact same, and he doesn't carry his scepter too much.

• Leon's purple eyes are natural. People like him are born with grey eyes at first, and they change colors by growing up.

• Leon sometimes wear a monocle that is one of his inventions. It isn't only for the esthetic; it can also zoom in and out, focus, and more.

Facts to know

• In order to make it more useful, Leon turned his scepter into an invention. Thanks to science, his staff can be turned into a weapon, such as a spear, or a hammer. He may use it during personal training.

• He rarely shows his emotions, because of him being used being alone and not having the need to express himself. Only his relatives get to see his soft side.

• Leon developed mutism during his pre-teenage years, after the loss of his father. He was already silent in general, but he would refuse to talk for a very long time; only using the sign language to communicate if needed.

• Leon doesn't really tolerate having people watching or being around him while being busy, but he however accepts his sister and Toadinne, secretly glad to receive their attention and care.

• Leon has insomnia. He stays up late at night most of the time, mostly to do experiments in is lab.

• While his father was known to be a scientist specialized in human's anatomy, health, etc, Leon is into potions, and inventions. He hates when people suggests him experimenting on humans.

• Leon spends most of his time in his lab, which is the basement behind the castle's main stairs. It was used to be his father's laboratory.

• It isn't noticeable at first, but he is really good with kids, he just doesn't tend to show it.



Lola [Younger sister]

Lola is one of the rare people to see him smile. Leon being a lone wolf, she tries to dedicate most of her time by taking care of him, for intance: by bringing him food, drinks, and sometimes forcing him to go outside a little. Unlike what people may think, Leon is extremely thankful to have her on his side, her being her only family left.


Toadinne [Maid/ Responsibility]

After becoming his assistant, the prince got attached to the child. And never got annoyed by her presence around him, almost acting like a daughter and her father. She's now fully part of the royal family, more than a simple maid for the castle.


Monty [Mutual]

Monty knows Leon since his birth, and always was like a babysitter to him. Outside people thinks they hate each others, but it is in reality far from it. Leon has a huge respect for them, who had to endure a lot from the King back then, and knows they actually have a lot in common.


E.Gadd [Close friend/ Mentor]

E.Gadd used to be a close friend of the Celeste family, and was also the teacher of the Celestial siblings. By growing up, Leon still managed to visit him. The majority of his skills are from him, even if nowadays, student overcame the professor. He still sees in him a better than his very own could have been with him.


Luigi [Close friend]

At first, Leon was just tolerating him as he was Lola's best friend, and would only see him because of that. But after the events of the Luigi's Mansion Saga, he started to grow respect for him. After all, he did saved his sister three times. He seems to be more talkative with him, and doesn't mind seeing him when making experiments with E.Gadd.


Mario [Good friend]

Leon is secretly appreciative of Mario’s heroic behavior in the Mushroom Kingdom. It happened once or twice to see them fighting, but only for training. The only thing Leon is skeptical about is his attitude around Lola, which he would define as… Quite intriguing.


Princess Peach [Good friend]

They met at a very young age, when the ancient rulers of their respective Kingdoms had a meeting in order to sign an alliance contract. Of course, being the young man that he was, he never wanted to be around her and talk about girly stuff. He already was a loner back then. However, now being adults, it can happen for them to get along and drink some tea together.


Princess Daisy [Frenemy]

The two being the complete opposite, it is unfortunately hard for Leon to enjoy Daisy's company. They share a introvert/extrovert friendship, Daisy adoring "kidnapping" Leon to distract him from his lab, so he could see the outside world more often. So he sometimes have no choices other than reluctantly following her in her activities.


Rosalina [Friend]

Honestly, Leon is quite intrigued on where does Rosalina come from. But her calm and relaxing energy does match his, and that's all that matters. She seems to have a liking to his inventions, even sometimes bringing some strange artefacts to him for repair, or keep for himself, which turns him even more curious about their origins.


King boo [Enemy/ Father]

Not having a single clue on King boo's intentions at first, Leon tries his best with professor E.Gadd and Luigi to stop the giant boo from kidnapping his friend, and mostly, his sister. This ghost seems filled with unknown yet dangerous motives with capturing Lola. When Luigi saved her the first time, he managed to discover the truth with Elvin, which absolutely terrorized him, refusing to tell the truth to Lola. He still regrets nowadays to have kept the truth from her and promised himself to never do it again. As for King boo? He hates his guts- especially when he keeps calling him by his full name. He's such a nuisance, sometimes he wonders if he doesn't miss his old father compared to this annoying boo-


Crystal [Mother (deceased)]

Before dying, Crystal, Queen of the Celestial Kingdom was known to be the perfect mother for his son. As a toddler, he was often seen around her, rarely leaving her side with Monty. Her death made a huge hole in his heart, which Lola is the only one capable of filling back. Crystal was so loving toward him, and taught him to be responsible at a very young age, while still being capable of enjoying the most simple things in life.


Sebastian [Father (deceased)]

Former ruler of the Celestial Kingdom, Leon hates to know that he looks to much similar to him. He always felt ignored by him since Lola's birth, but had the maturity to be aware it was none of his younger sister's fault, but rather his father's, being completely overwhelmed by instability. He is dead to him and should remain like this. After all, it is his fault if either him or Lola are forever affected by their childhood.

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