Bramble Trevally 🌊



3 years, 1 month ago


this code is a placeholder until i'm done making an extended profile!

n-b transmasc (he/they)
aroace gay
27 (highsun 17)

elemental (water)
true neutral


Bramble is a reclusive, quiet magic user with a lycanthrope curse and a price on his head. He very reluctantly joined the Safety in Numbers adventuring party at the request of his sister, Cassie, in order to keep an eye on her and ensure her safety, as well as to find a way to break his curse.

Bramble was born in a busy town in the central Eteron Wildlands, where he met and grew up with Cassie Manewrangler. At a young age, Bramble was cursed to turn into a werebeast whenever he feels overwhelming anger or fear, and grew averse to crowds and conflicts as a result. Though his curse was generally well managed, his werebeast form was occassionally spotted and eventually blamed for several different killings or disappearances he did not commit. After a bounty was placed on his werebeast form's head, he moved to a secluded cabin on the coast and avoids interacting with society as a whole.


Bramble's hair is long and unruly and he doesn't care to trim it. He sometimes lets his facial hair/sideburns grow out a bit more than he'd like, but prefers to stay clean shaven. He has scales on the sides of his neck, and has many old healed scars scattered across his body from past conflicts with werebeast hunters, though he usually tries to keep them well hidden.

Bramble prefers to wear light, flowy clothing like skirts and loose blouses. He generally doesn't accessorize much, though he does like to incorporate yellow ribbons in his clothing and outfits. He almost exclusively wears sandals and never wears dress shoes, but will wear boots if needed.

  • 6'11 / 211cm
  • c5, fat & slightly muscular


CASSIE MANEWRANGLER - Cassie is Bramble's younger sister and the only person he had frequent contact with during his isolation. They met when they were both young, and Bramble has always been very protective of Cassie and worried for her safety. Cassie has no home of her own and prefers to stay on the move, but will occassionally stay a few nights at Bramble's home when she's in the area.

EMMA HEATHERBANE - Bramble and Emma first met when he joined the adventuring party. The two became fast friends due to their mutual aprehension towards their quest and the risks it presented. Emma is the first person other than Cassie that Bramble has genuinely trusted for as long as he can remember.

LELAND WHESKER - Bramble's cautious and reserved nature is in direct opposition with Leland's outgoing tendencies. Bramble dislikes Leland for his recklessness and the unnecesarry risks he's willing to put the rest of the party in danger with by taking, though Leland does not return his distrust.