Lunaflare / Oleander



2 years, 10 months ago


Current Name: Oleander

Birth Name: Azuba

Aliases: Fifth of the Impurus Delusions, The Blueflame, Lunaflare

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Faction: Impurus (Delusion)

Powers: A highly skilled manipulator of fire, with the fire he controls always being blue(hence the title). He's also able to manipulate electricity, but he needs to wear his mask to do this.

Skills: Oleander has a large amount of skill and experience in dealing with and treating burns. Essentially, he can make himself seem innocent after nearly burning you alive. He's just that good. Don't ask how. Or why.

Personality: Oleander, despite being a focused and quiet individual, enjoys unsettling people. Using his position, powers, general mannerisms, etc. Anything will work if it gets an amusing reaction. Overall, he really doesn't care much about what other people think, and could hardly care less if someone hates him. Instead, he's really just focused on getting revenge, wronging everyone who has wronged him. No matter how long it takes, he will find a way to accomplish it, even if the target of his vengeance is a god. Oleander possesses little attachment to people, but isn't a huge fan of manipulating others, either. Instead, he'll be mostly indifferent, only getting involved if you get in his way, in which case he will not hesitate to remove you. Still, Oleander doesn't have an issue with engaging in banter, and is quite the fan of dark humor. He will make dark jokes like they're absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

Family: Hazarda (younger brother), Arius (younger half-sister)

Friends: --

Enemies: Enemies of the Impurus, Haakon


-Love dark humor

-Originally from Violetine, though for unknown reasons he was taken to the rest of Pretierata while he was young. He changed his name when he realized he was no longer in Violetine

-He knows that Hazarda is his brother, but doesn't hold any of their terrible situation growing up against him. He actually likes Hazarda, and feels somewhat bad for unintentionally leaving him alone in that situation

-However, Oleander was unaware that Arius was his half-sister until much later

-Does not particularly care about the Impurus mission, but is loyal nonetheless

-He was not at all expecting to ever see Hazarda again (since Violetine is cut off from the rest of the world), so when his job miraculously caused them to meet again, it was a pleasant surprise. Oleander enjoyed teasing Hazarda about everything and purposely unsettling him, since it took Hazarda a moment to recognize Oleander, given all the changes he went through

Design notes:

-As said before, the flames he controls are always blue. Please don't draw him manipulating any other color of fire.

-Pretty much always wears gloves, but if you want to draw him without them, his hands are covered in burn scars

-his hairtie is just a red string/rope tied into a bow

-he needs to be wearing the mask in the mask reference if he's manipulating electricity, but otherwise it's totally optional

-on his jacket collar, there's only one purple crystal and two red ones(no more than that)

-mask is optional