Legacy / Annessa



2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Annessa

Aliases: Ninth of the Eight(Nine) Impurus Delusions, The Midnight Haze, Legacy

Gender: Female

Age: 17(When last seen)

Faction: Impurus(Delusion)

Powers: The ability to manipulate sound and control electricity

Skills: Another talented fighter, given that she's almost always in combat. This said, she's also quite good at reading when a situation needs a certain approach, and can readjust herself as such.

Personality: Loves to fight to improve herself, especially with Riptide. She’s content to carry out the missions with him without knowing the reason. This is because she trusts the Koroleva’s mission wholeheartedly, having been raised in Ochichiri under the Koroleva’s rule. She and Cadera Stelelor were also good friends, with Cadera always humoring Legacy with a spar whenever she wished. But above all, she trusted and loved Riptide, and would sacrifice herself for him in an instant.

Partner(romantically): Alun(Riptide)


-On a mission gone wrong in Taiyang, some power caused Annessa to vanish right before Riptide's eyes, saving her. Where she went and is now, though, no one knows.

Design notes:

-mask is optional