

2 years, 9 months ago





When we sing we transmit our true feelings of happiness or sadness and they reach the heart of the listener.

Missa Brightheart
Full Name

Missa or Lovestruck





August 13


Earth (Rumur gate)

Current residence

Angel city

On tour!




Cute things.
Clear sky.
singing on stages.
Fan gifts.
Meeting her fans.
Lovely pink clothes.
Strawberry candy.


Spicy food.
Hater messages.
Fear of rejection.


Skin tone

Body type



Designer & creator

Closed Species

$ 211



Although he has closed the species, I want the details of it to remain present in the character.
In the hair, it has lighter pink streaks, but it is not mandatory..
Rabbit ears are an accessory.
In the bangs as in the wings she has stars making constellations.
Her eyes are brown but can be painted black or brown with dark purple tones.

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Her pink hair is natural, although many people speak ill of her saying that it is a wig.

She always dresses in an adorable way and in pastel colors so that her hair doesn't stand out so much.

More than once some fans and haters have tried to grab her long hair to find out if it is really her hair or a wig, and that is why Missa is very careful and is on the alert for possible hands near her.

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The angels are invisible to the human eye, only very few people with an abundant amount of Rumur inside them are able to catch a glimpse of a reflection of them, just as the majority of beings who cross the Rumur portals are unaware of their existence. Thanks to god's blessing, Missa can be seen and heard by humans and other species. Very few angels have this opportunity.

The first human food she tried was strawberry-flavored pockis and she liked it so much that she doesn't eat anything other than sweets.

Once settled in her new home, she got a computer, soon learned to use it and became fond of reading comics online and watching animated series.

Most of their songs are happy and talk about love and overcoming difficulties.

Although she and Mori are rivals, Missa wishes she could collaborate with her and sing together, even become friends.

Missa's manager has to check in advance the letters and gifts from fans because more than once there were objects and malicious words towards Missa.

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Since she was "born" she knew that she loved to sing and dance. The first sound that awoke from her was so beautiful that the God of the earth, her creator, wanted her always close to her to always listen to her beautiful songs.

Her voice was so bright and charming that even the rest of the angels in heaven were spellbound listening to her.

Born for a purpose

Missa was delighted to be adored by her creator and her brothers and sisters in heaven, but she wanted to do a greater good. The rest of the angels had a job, a purpose, and she didn't want to be outdone. The earth was being infected by another evil God, filling the interior of humans with darkness and Missa wanted to help eradicate it, just like her companions, that's what they had been created for.

God also knew that this moment was going to come, so he finally began her mission on earth as an Idol, filling humans with light and hope with the power of her voice. When Missa came to earth she didn't quite know how to begin... so she just started singing and people came up to her to listen. God gave her permission to be visible to humans, and although she still maintains her wings and other angelic features, they remain invisible to human eyes and can appear to be a normal girl.

On her first day on earth he noticed that humans loved her voice too. People asked her if she had "instagram", "youtube channel" where they could listen to her songs or other social networks, but obviously she had absolutely none of that, she didn't even know the meaning of those words

The first few days she had a really bad time, she had no house, money or anyone to ask for help because the rest of the angels did not live on earth, and although she did not need food or shelter to survive, she did feel lonely. At night she could see the "darkness" of people, the one she had to eliminate.

loud music and colorful lights

The day came when a talent scout found her while she was singing on the street and proposed to work as an IDOL in a famous agency. She started from scratch as a new aspiring singer and before long she was giving her first concerts with her first song. She sang on small stages in the street, shopping malls and as an opening act at concerts by famous artists, but although she was little known, many more people came to see her than the capacity of the venues allowed. All the people who passed near her concerts came to meet the owner of the voice they were listening to. Even the angels came down to her concerts to enjoy her songs again.

There came a time when she could be considered famous. She reached a huge audience and was already singing in her own concerts, just like the rest of her well-known artists.

She was able to buy a humble house, although in a safe area for important people, because just as good things were coming into her life, she also saw that many humans felt hatred and envy towards her. Missa loves meeting her fans, the love and gifts they give her are very precious to her but more than once she has met people who want to hurt her, letters full of hate, comments on the internet mentioning anything they don't like of her, and have even sometimes gone in person to try to physically harm her. All this has left a wound inside her that she cannot heal, despite wanting to help humans, some of them do not want her help. But despite all the bad Missa wants to keep trying to fulfill her mission, she cannot disappoint God or the people who really value her effort!

healthy rivalry

A new idol appeared in your city! It is impossible not to see that she belongs to the enemy. Desdemona, the foreign goddess who is slowly darkening the lives of humans also sent one of her own to compete with Missa and lure innocent humans to her side.

Seeing the situation, Missa wanted to investigate what kind of cunning tricks the beings who wanted to destroy the earth were planning, and infiltrated one of the concerts of this dark artist who wanted to compete with her.

At first glance he saw that the people who enjoy that music were different from his fans. They looked tough and dressed almost entirely in black, but like their followers these people showed the same enthusiasm to see the show that was about to start. The music and the spirits of the people began to increase in volume, the concert was about to begin. Then that mysterious singer appeared and the fans shouted her name, Mori.

Her voice was melodious and powerful, her music was very different from what Missa usually sings, but she didn't dislike it, what's more, she liked the sound, the security and how good she looked on stage. She didn't understand why, but Misa admired her.

She observed the people around her and saw that they were really happy with Mori's music, she didn't see anything negative in her concert and that relaxed her. She knew that Mori was an enemy and that she had to stop her since she was getting in the way of her mission and drawing people to the enemy... but how could she take away the happiness of the people who were there? It was something she was definitely not going to do.

Missa does not want to be left behind, so instead of going directly to attack her, she decides to carry out her mission in a healthy way and competing as rivals in the musical field. "I will make those people who follow you look at me with my own effort and my voice". And something Missa didn't know is that Mori thinks just like her, turning them into partners and rivals at the same time.


God of the earth
Creator - "Father"

He is the one who created me! I must not disappoint him, I have to fulfill my mission. It was hard for him to let me go because he loves my songs, but helping is my duty.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Mori Nagmerrie
Enemy IDOL

I know she's my enemy but I can't help but admire her and her music!! I wish we weren't different and we could be friends...


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.

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