Wulfric Wexler



7 years, 1 month ago



Name Wulfric Wexler
Alias Wulfie
Age 45
DoB 20th of May
Gender Male
Sexuality Heterosexual
Height 6'2"(188cm)
Build Bulky
Race Human, Caucasian
Origin Original Character
Role Hunter
Alignment Lawful neutral
Demeanor Relaxed

"Don't call me Wulfie."


  • Woodworking
  • Hotsprings
  • Beer
  • Family


  • Technology
  • Being belittled
  • Tinkering with his arm
  • Phantom pain



Brave Devoted Protective Loud Gluttonous Over-protective

Wulfric is a large built man of tall stature. His presnces gives off strength and power, as if he was some kind of dominant force in the area. His hair and beard are mostly unkept although he does not stink. His body is often covered with a brown, homemade poncho with unique designs on them, though most of the time he'd be found shirtless as he much prefers being that way. His emerald green eyes are the most notable thing about his face,second to his pitch black hair and beard.

Upon first glance, Wulfric comes off as a person who doesn't want to be bothered. But that couldn't be anywhere close to the truth. In reality, Wulfric mearly wishes for a friend to drink with, and loves it when he gets new drinking companions for pub crawls. He is very sociable when you get to know him, and loves boasting on and on about how strong he is.


Born into the leading family of the Wexler tribe, Wulfric grew up in the middle of nowhere, with lush plains and dense trees spread about and around his tribal home. He learned and gained the skills of an excellent hunter and tracker, and grew up strong enough to earn his rank of 'heir' to his father. It's also around this age when he met a woman called Adela, who he chose as his wife when he reached the right age. Together they had 3 children, Winslow, Weslyn, and Wilone. However, it wasn't always sweet.

A while after his father died and he became chieftain, a mysterious group of rival tribesmen attacked his tribe, killing all those that got in their way. Whilst he managed to survive, his wife didn't. Taking his kids, he decided to settle for a more solitary lifestyle with them. He'd raise them somewhat well, forgetting to teach them some important things as they instead taught themselves.

Now he settled down as a simple hunter/carpenter. The money is good and he enjoys the silence of his craft. He makes sure his kids are doing well, and often times gets a bit too over-protective of them.



Charisma 74%
Kindness 70%
Temper 81%
Integrity 67%
Courage 99%
Humor 50%


Attack 90%
Defense 73%
Magic 5%
Resistance 67%
Speed 59%
Stamina 100%


Appeal 71%
Confidence 86%
Intellect 66%
Manners 47%
Optimism 82%
Luck 65%



Wexler Tracking

Wulfric learned the skills of a true Wexler of tracking different types of prey. He can sniff out certain scents and hear sounds far away better than your average human.


Wulfric's spear was created by himself to commerate his passing into adulthood. He still keeps it as a keepsake of his past, and to honour his legacy.

Robotic arm

Though Wulfric himself is strong, his robotic arm enhances his strengh to new limits. He also can unleash a lazer beam via the arm.


  • Wulfric was skinnier when he was younger, no one knows why he got so big, but Watcher thinks it's because of how easy it is to get meat nowadays.
  • Wulfric's spear, which is made out of a wooden pole and a very sharp rock, is enchanted to never break.
  • Though Wulfric does love all beers, a noteable favourite of his is Heineken.
  • Wulfric's arm was given to him by a friend who had a few connections. The exact reason he lost it is unknown.




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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

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