2k13 Mayham! Base Pack (F2U)



2 years, 8 months ago



✨Download base pack here!✨


It's time for the much promised F2U bases I mentioned a month or so ago! I made a bunch of bases 2012-14, and several of these were F2U or P2U bases I had uploaded to dA but took down because the amount of fav notifications were overwhelming.

After so long, I figured the solution was to put them all here, easy to access and easy to download in one fell swoop. I'm letting anyone interested in using 20-30+ bases for free!!!! (NOTE: Some may have sketches of pose concepts in them that were not finished, feel free to finish these!)

Just put "0" for the dollar amount, and you'll be able to get all the files free of charge. (though you're free to tip if you can afford it to express appreciation of the base pack)

For a preview of some bases, search a base name (excluding "base" in the search) in my gallery to see examples of it in use (some might not be included):

1. Please do not claim this base as your own, resell it, redistribute it, or trace it.
2. You are free to use it for personal things or adoptables.
3. Can be used for points, money, draw-to-adopt, trade adoptables ect.
4. Please credit me for making the base.
5. Have fun! Feel free to show me what you come up with if you'd like!

📃What's Inlcuded

What is Included
- Sai1 files
- PSD files (in ZIP file; not all bases may available in this format)
- Transparent Png files (in ZIP file; some bases are exclusive to this format while others might not be included)

Designs and art (c)PieCuddlie