

2 years, 9 months ago


a stout ginger tabby cat with green eyes and a leaf on their head

( taken too early )

prev. names tawny
Gender AFAB
pronouns they/them
age 13 at death
sexuality lesbian
rank warrior
c.o.d. drowning/head trauma


Tawnystalk's parents decided not to adhere to the traditional kitten naming criteria of ParaClan, not caring enough to get to know their offspring. They named Tawnystalk after their coat hue.


Although not the most adept tracker nor hunter, Tawnystalk was always exceptionally skilled at observing nature without disrupting a single leaf.

In life, Tawnystalk was a reserved and soft-spoken ParaClan warrior. They raised themselves with the principles of nature and thus spend most of their time in sunlit dappled forests and watching the sun set behind the horizon line every evening. They similarly befriended less abrasive felines as companions, and grew especially close to warriors Asterrain and Fawnlight.

At 13 moons, Tawnystalk was assigned to the patrol to take the journey to find the prophecized tooth of Sumire, along with the other warriors in their age group. Early in the journey, Tawnystalk was killed by a possessed Fawnlight in the middle of the night, a blunt hit of their head on a sharp rock finalizing their demise. Asterrain and Fawnlight buried Tawnystalk together. Their death marked the first fatality of the perilous journey for Sumire's Tooth.

I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too...

From death, Tawnystalk followed along the remaining journeying cats, welcoming each passing cat into death as they dropped like flies among the perilous peaks of the mountains. Though they steer clear of Canarywhistle and Corvidswoop - they never really spoke much in life either - they quickly grew close to the late Hazelpounce. The pair watched mournfully as exhaustian and madness took hold of the journeying cat's minds, and continue to act as guardian angels to their beloveds, now without Sumire.

Frankie Cosmos

( )

0:00 2:52
I love to see you
Way over there
... on darker days
With our boots kicked off





Paws & Skin





6 in.
long & stocky

( design notes )

  • Tawnystalk is a munchkin cat
  • Tawnystalk has a long, fluffy tail
  • Tawnystalk's leaf hat is non-optional
Morning Dew

  • long walks
  • snuggles
  • birdsong

  • loud noises
  • raised voices
  • the smell of blood

  • water
  • wraithblur
  • brindlestar

  • help Fawnlight escape her possession
  • protect Asterrain and Fawnlight
  • learn to swim

( Personality )

lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery

Having been raised with little interaction to any cats, even their parents, Tawnystalk never truly learned how to successfully interact with other felines, and hs trouble approaching them.

easily persuaded to believe something

Tawnystalk, being an exceptionally innocent soul, especially considering what they went through as a child, is also undoubtedly a little too trusting. They do their best to believe their friends, no matter how little sense it may make to them.

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

Tawnystalk is notably empathetic, with other's moods often reflecting in their own. They are absolutely the type of cat to begin crying if they see another cat doing so.

having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character

Tawnystalk was raised in a childhood of harsh words and deep claw-wounds.

They do their very best now to make sure that their presence is not overwhelming for any cat, and their voice rarely raises from a bold whisper.

quick to notice things

Tawnystalk is one to notice the little things before anyone else has pointed them out. This includes small changes in cats' appearances, personalities, or accessories.

having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance

Tawnystalk grew learning from their parents that they are the worst, the weakest, and the least useful. While they don't dwell on such negative memories anymore, Tawnystalk still has trouble accepting compliments.

( trivia )

  • Tawnystalk was the firstborn of a litter of two.
  • Tawnystalk is perpetually dehydrated and gets headaches often.
  • Asterrain's late pet, Stalk, was named after Tawnystalk.

Are you happy with the suffix given to you, or would you change it to something else if given the chance?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Are there any clanmates of yours that always get on your nerves?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

What skill do you wish you were better at?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

What rule of the warrior code are you most likely to break?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

What values (loyalty, honor, justice, charity, etc.) do you believe are most important?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Insert reaction to being interveiwed.
The Beginning

Tawnystalk was born to the ParaClan pair Wraithblur and Amberlight. Half-heartedly named Tawny after their fiery coat, it didn't take long for the observant kitten to recognize how little their parents cared for them. Wraithblur, an abrasive and short-tempered bear of a tomcat, was alwaus jumping to chastise any action that Tawny took, often through the form of physical abuse. Amerblight, a quiet and seldom-spoken molly not unlike Tawnystalk themselves, rarely put up a fight against her sharp-tongued mate. It was under these conditions that Tawny learned to appreciate the smaller things in life. As a child, the abuse didn't seem to cut into them. After all, it was all they knew as normal. This developed Tawny into a gullible and obedient ParaClan warrior, too familiar with the horrors of what they thought was necessary discipline to try to step even one paw pad out of line. When they were named as Tawnystalk, they even began to miss the cats that had made their young life hell.

Having been killed before being able to tell anyone of the abuse that they faced as a child, Tawnystalk never truly learned that what they had experienced was not the common one. Either way, they don't miss their parents anymore. At the age of 13 moons, Tawnystalk, alongside the other newly appointed ParaClan warriors, were assigned the perilous task of retrieving the long-prophecized tooth of Sumire. Despite their initial hesitance, with new friends on their side, Tawnystalk felt ready to see what lay beyond the marked ParaClan borders.

The End

The journey for the tooth of Sumire inevitably would have led to casualties, if not fatalities, from the start. After all, several freshly appointed warriors were still freshly appointed warriors, and they knew little of how to survive outside of their basic training - training that Tawnystalk had hardly had the privilege to receive. Of course, they did their best. But it wasn't long before the group was first separated, with Spiderbranch, Crowswoop, and Tawnystalk falling into a slippery ravine, unable to climb out. In this ravine lived trees, marked by claws in the shape of a flame - alluding to the elusive Nouveau Flame, which the journeying cats would encounter later on, without Tawnystalk. After working together to get out, though, only minor injuries were sustained, and the bond between all of the journeying patrol deepened. Tawnystalk was especially close with Fawnlight and Asterrain, having developed some affection towards both of them as the journey progressed.

Tawnystalk's death marked the first of the journey. On a moonlit stroll with Fawnlight, the pair encountered a river, tranquil and calm. As they watched the constellations in the sky, Brindlestar was quick to seize control of Fawnlight's paws, convinced that Tawnystalk had been the one, rather than Asterrain, to have killed the late leader. Brindlestar pinned Tawnystalk against the riverbed, and Tawnystalk panicked immediately. Water had always been an arguably rational fear of theirs, after having experienced the near-death experience of drowning courtesy of their father as a kitten, but Brindlestar didn't know that. The vicious spirit took their wails as a confession, that they had indeed been the one to kill her. Fawnlight attempted to take control back of her body, but it was too late: Tawnystalk's head had been split apart by a sharp rock in the river, and the last of their blood was being taken by the current by the time Fawnlight came to. Asterrain, who had accidentally witnessed the whole thing, carried Tawnystalk's body back to the ParaClan cats' temporary outpost, where they were buried.

In death, Tawnystalk decided to follow the journeying cats, to see if such a task could even be completed, and do their best to protect their beloveds if it couldn't. Tawnystalk watched as Asterrain's eye was speared out, where Fawnlight dragged them to safety. They watched as Hazelpounce was thrown off of a snowy cliffside, following the teddy bear cat down the mountain and curling gingerly around their frozen body before it finally gave up. Hazelpounce was a welcome companion for Tawnystalk, and the pair took it upon themselves to take up the job as a sort of welcome wagon for the remaining fatalities that came as a result of the journey. Now, with Sumire risen and most of the journeying cats fleeing, Tawnystalk continues to watch over Asterrain and Fawnlight, as well as their new companion, Forest, in hopes that their presence will somehow protect their lovers.

  • Tawnystalk was raised by abusive parents and developed a fear of water, among other things.
  • During the journey for Sumire's Tooth, Tawnystalk was killed by a possessed Fawnlight. Their death marked the first of many on the journey.
  • Tawnystalk now travels alongside Asterrain and Fawnlight, acting as a guardian angel as they brave a life beyond Sumire.

( a million worlds apart )

"I'm sorry... you know it wasn't me but that doesn't make it better. Please come back."
"That's not the way it works, Fawn. Don't worry, my love. I'll stay with you forever.."


Fawnlight was both Tawnystalk's lover and killer. Two reserved ParaClan warriors fostered an unexpectely fast friendship, which developed further into feelings of romantic affection. Fawnlight and Tawnystalk used to watch the moon together, and that's exactly what they were set to do when Brindlestar pounced.

Tawnystalk was already in the stars by the time Fawnlight took back control of her body and saw in horror what they had done. Since that night, Fawnlight has never been the same. Tawnystalk can only watch lovingly as Fawnlight and Asterrain fight to break out of Brindlestar's control, and Tawnystalk awaits the day they join them in the sky - they want the pair to take their time, though, and make many more memories together before then.


( setting sun )

"They are my love even when their warm scent fades from my pelt, and our time together becomes a blurry memory of what could be."
"If Asterrain hadn't been there, would Fawnlight still be okay? The memories we made together make my paws light, and I am grateful to protect them from the stars. I miss you, my love."


Asterrain and Tawnystalk's friendship was inevitable; their similar personalities and peak curiousity made them naturally connect upon meeting. Asterrain was the one whom Tawnystalk confessed their fear of water, and the pair took their time each evening enjoying the setting sun.

Asterrain witnessed Tawnystalk's murder, and despite not knowing Fawnlight's predicament, helped them anyways by carrying the body back to the temporary ParaClan outpost and covering up the story of their death. Tawnystalk is eternally grateful for that, as, now that Sumire has risen, Asterrain is one of the few cats left who Fawnlight can find comfort in. Tawnystalk accompanies Asterrain in consoling Fawnlight, though their efforts are unrecognized, and Tawnystalk continues to tread alongside their loves as they make their own life, free of Sumire and ParaClan.

close friend


Hazelpounce and Tawnystalk were two warriors who shared the common interest of flower picking and walks through nature. Now in the sky, they both watch over and act as guardian angels as their lovers make their journey beyond ParaClan's hold.



Tawnystalk knows little of the elusive ex-polix cat, but what they do know is that they have been taking very good care of Fawnlight. A cat like that deserves Tawnystalk's eternal gratitude. They hope to learn more about Forest as they continue their new journey with Asterrain and Fawnlight.
