Edith Lancaster



2 years, 10 months ago


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Mood: "edielicious"
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A fabulously wealthy CEO who is eccentric for robotics.

21 years old
Central Linnaea Heights, Caya Lily



Sexuality: panromantic-asexual

Height: 5 ''1

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Occupation: CEO @ ASTRONOTECH Inc.


Likes: her inventions, cutesy-colorful things like ballpits (she happens to own one), onesies, shopping at the French store Oui Are Cute!

Dislikes: (organic) animals, people beneath her economic status, most people in actuality, invention failure


  • At 16 years old, Edith invented her first successful model of a flying car, and was thrust into success. She later founded ASTRONOTECH at 17 and now her company is the mega corporation that powers the island's electricity.
  • She has some loose inspiration from Porky Minch from Earthbound.
  • Edith fights remotely. She's usually in a robot or sends one out!


She's just your run-of-the-mill unlikeable wealthy snob that views herself as better than everyone else. Despite the interior, many people who are fans of Edith seem to find her charming. She jokes about being a snobby asshole... Because she IS one and people haven't picked up on it yet.

Lee Fletcher

"Oh, Leona. What a girl. She's... comfortable, I guess. But seriously, I don't see anything all that special about her. Seems like a fan, actually. Definitely appears to be easy to mold."

Maddie Gutierez

"My new maid-- she crashed her brother's car into my gate. She's appalling! Just infuriating! Always does what she wants, even if it means arriving to work late! If I had anything positive to say? Well... She has a nice sense of fashion. The moon hairpin really suits her. Her hair is very stylish! ...But that's about it. Stop looking at me like that, reader."

Mabel Ursus

"Ah yes. The dumb one. A little over-confident for my taste."

Klaus Granger

"He's an outsider from Bluebell. Curious... He has strange powers, which means he probably got involved with my experiment. Time to apprehend him!"

Teddy Ursus

"Big fella who seems soft. Kind of cute. His fear of many things amuses me. Also, what's with the stuttering? Is it just his thing?"

Flint Gutierez

"The brother of that maid. This old-fashioned youngin' thinks he's a detective. He's barely even started working as a cop! Should really work on his 'mysterious' attitude-- where you might see a tough shell, I see someone feeble."

Abby Danvers

"The loud one... She's a little enthused! Still, it seems like she's got a good head on her shoulders, though! Much too smart to be interacting with for long."

Alena Dinkley

"One of my greatest creations! I created her when I was drunk. Cute kid. Pure art created by moi in a metal case!"
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DREAMWALKING - can enter people's dreams and manipulate certain aspects of it. must have come into contact with the individual... unfortunately for Edith, that means tOUCHING???? just ANYONE?? gross! a self-inflicted effect from PROJECT: LUNAR BURST.

BRAND AMBASSADOR - the sole brand ambassador of ASTRONOTECH. a sex icon.

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