


6 years, 9 months ago


Name: Alabaster

ID: 3386

Owner: Aniju-Aura 

Handler: Tibbit

Species: Kukuri-arpg

Breed: Common Kukuri

Gender: Dove

Age: 4

Eye-color: Yellow

Height: 6'3''

Weight: 357

Genotype: aa/ee/Oo/nH

Phenotype:  Pearl with Hood

Ears: Regular Ears

Horns: Devil Horns

Skill points:

ATK: 0 DEF: 0 SPD: 0

Biorhythm: Nocturnal

Diet: Omnivore

Rank: None

Status: Healthy

: Alabaster, also referred to as Ala, is strong, brave, loyal and care-free with a fiery spirit. A bit competitive, acts before she thinks, Alabaster tends to jump right into thinks without a hesitation. Generally her methods are flawed but her heart is in the right place. Alabaster tends to talk before she thinks, can be sometimes brutally honest but she means no harm. She can be a bit impulsive and stubborn for what she believes in. She's no push over and will put up a fight to protect those she cares for. Alabaster isn't afraid to get dirty, in fact, she likes to play rough house and doesn't mind getting her pearly white fur dusty much to the dislike of her handler. She enjoys friendly competition and being active. Alabaster enjoys part taking in shenanigans and games with others. 


  • ---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
  • ------------------- SS: Vincent 008
  • ---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
  • Sire: Aurinkotuuli 140
  • ---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
  • ------------------- SD: Kiuru 019
  • ---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
  • ---------------------------------------- DSS: Raei 003
  • ------------------- DS: Bourbon 117
  • ---------------------------------------- DSD: Virvatuli 007
  • Dam: Vainoharha 460
  • ---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
  • ------------------- DD: Untuva 002
  • ---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown

Design by: Aniju-Aura