


6 years, 10 months ago


Name: Conrad

Nickname/s: Sandstorm

ID: Leave empty

Owner: @Aniju-Aura

Companion: Hush

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 170cm/5'7''

Species: Vayron 

Type: Runner

Fur: Lisse


 - Sonar Ears

 - Long Tuft Tail 

 - Round Eyes

Genotype: SnD+Ma/nSb
Phenotype: Masked Sable Sand

Magic: Enchanted

Low Class: Leave Empty

    -ICQ: Unfinished

High Class: Leave empty

Citizenship: Thedale

Political Status: Citizen

Personality: Loyal and brave, Conrad is a reliable, honourable, bold and a trustworthy friend. A hard worker, if something doesn't go right the first time, Conrad just scuffs it off and says he'll try harder the next time. He can be a bit cheeky at time as well and will ocassionally throw a joke or two to lighten the mood. A strong believer in defending the weak and less fortunate, Conrad has a lot of sympathy and will show compassion to those who need it. However he is not willing to stand by and let wrong doings occure and will take action. He'll put himself in between others and whatever might do them harm. Conrad is a good team player and sport when it comes to working with others. He is friendly and gets along well with others as long as they are willing to get along with him.

Conrad works with his compaion Hush in hunting down nightmare creatures and keeping the citizen safe from nillars. Being born in the desert, he is not fond of colder climates. He highly respects and looks up to Collins, Hush's cousin, whom they work with. He acts as a big brother to their other companions, Sachin, Horys and Tibbit and his Kukuries. Conrad likes coconut ice cream. 


  • ------------------------------------------ SSS:Unknown
  • ----------------- SS: Unknown
  • ------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
  • Sire: Red 514
  • ------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
  • ----------------- SD: Unknown
  • ------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
  • ------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
  • ----------------- DS: Lion 006
  • ------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
  • Dam: Splendid 814
  • ------------------------------------------ DDS: Pants 002
  • ----------------- DD: Unknown
  • ------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

Design by: @Aniju-Aura