Cindy Camelia



2 years, 9 months ago


˗ˏˋ Profile ˎˊ˗
name Cindy Camelia
alias Cindy
age 17
gender Demigirl (she/they)
height 5'3
orient. Aroace
race Two-tailed fox
role Botanist
voice claim ( )

status unavaliable
designer FyligoInk
worth priceless
  • outdoors
  • animals
  • bugs
  • mornings
  • small spaces
  • confrontation
  • darkness
  • cities
  • Cindy spends a lot if not all of her time out in her greenhouse. It's a stress reliever.
  • She loves the morning just for the feel of the dew in the grass and overall moist atmosphere.
  • They have always and still are very mature for their age. Loosing both parents she had to grow up quicker than she initially planned.
  • She has a cute corgi named Rosie that she loves dearly.
˗ˏˋ History ˎˊ˗

Cindy had a normal life as a kid for the first 6 years of her life. Doing typical child stuff, nothing special. When Cindy was 6 her parents suffered a tragic car accident resulting in their deaths. Cindy was completely broken, only having her brother at the time to confide in.

For the next 4 years the two struggled financially and were trying their best to live off the village they lived in, which resulted in them not being able to get back up from it. Ultimately the two had to move to the big city, Flourescent Star City. Neither of them had ever been in the big city, and didn't know what awaited them inside. Little did they know that was the start of the worst period of their lives.

flourescent star city

Cindy began attending a local school near their new apartment, where she met someone who would change her life forever, Jive. Whether it was good or bad? Uh, that's up for imagination. Cindy and Jive quickly became inseperable, spending all their time together. Then one day around a year after Cindy moved to FSC, Jive's family had mysteriously disappeared, leaving the city on Jive's shoulder. Trusting in their best friend, Jive asked Cindy to be their vice mayor. Reluctantly, Cindy agreed. From then on, the city fell into absolute chaos. For the next 4 years of their lives, the two had to fight many enemies, whether physical or emotionally. Their friendship became a chore, and it slowly devolved into petty arguments and a struggle for power. The city was crumbling at their feet, and they were going down with it. During this time, Cindy had developed DID which made matters even worse. Things seemed to not be getting any better for the broken friends. Not late after, one of the head scientists, Dr. Grim, had a science experiment go rogue and escape the labratory. It caused a chain reaction to break out, being bitten by this beast would also turn the victim into one. Thus, in burning flames and a broken city, they had to evacuate. Cindy decided to return to her home town with her brother, having thankfully saved up enough to be able to live comfortably back home.

carlin cove

Once Cindy arrived back home, she immediatley visited her friend who she hadn't seen in many years. Having finally been reunited with the friendly faces of her home town, and moved back into her old house with her older brother and dog, Cindy could finally rest.

After things in FSC settled down, Cindy was reached out to again by Jive asking if she would like to be a part of the rebuilding program. Had having enough stress, Cindy sadly declined. The two aren't as close as they were the years she lived in the city, but Cindy is happy finally being home, and allowing herself time to heal.

˗ˏˋ LINKS ˎˊ˗
Jive Talkin
Best friend

Jive is one of Cindy's closest friends. Though they've had their issues the two always come through. While the two worked together as co mayors to run friendship city they were closer than ever. Through the many rough things the two faced together in their time as mayors they stuck by eachothers sides no matter what.

Cindy really loves Jive's company and couldn't imagine where she would be without them. They helped her through some of the toughest points of her life.

Though they don't always see eye to eye, Cindy loves her older brother. He was always there for her when their parents passed and tried to help support her in any way he could. His ways of comforting are unique but Cindy doesn't mind because it's what makes him so special.

Since then she's now moved out and away they don't always see eachother much but it will never break the bond the two share.

Averi Valler
Childhood friend

Fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla. Ut pharetra sit amet aliquam id. Scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci.

Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare.

Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus.

Urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. Sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis.

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