
code by BunBox


AKA Lore, Herald, Prophet, Guide unto Death, Lore

Art by


Name Lorelai Mara
Age Young Adult
Species Oracle of Death
Gender Transfemme Nonbinary
Pronouns she/they
Height 5'4"
Occupation Oracle of Death
Orientation Bisexual
Playlist Lorelai
Theme Song Digital Affection
Alignment Neutral Good
Zodiac Pisces
Tarot The Fool
Discipline Haze
Affinity All Affinities


  • Is autistic and has a special interest in plants/plant meanings and music
  • Has a grimm companion by the name of Shuck, who helps her guide souls to the next life
  • Can play viola, violin and piano
  • Literally my most favorite OC i've ever created in my 25 years of life, i love her more than i can begin to put into words
  • Also, yeah, I absolutely made an Ange/Cass/Lore ship playlist bc I love my polyam pirates so much it's unreal hehehe


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving

As an Oracle of Death, Lorelai wasn't privvy to human emotions at first. Now that she's learned how to be capable of them, she tends to feel everything a bit too strongly and struggles to regulate them. Overall, she's very sweet and empathetic- to her own detriment sometimes. Particularly prone to forming all of her opions based on what Cassandra thinks and is utterly smitten with her. She's not completely oblivious and innocent, but there are a lot of things about the mortal plane that Lorelai might need explanation on- the only times she had been there in her ~7,000 years of life were to escort the souls of the dead. At most she would spend a few hours hanging around before the death occured, before leaving again as she took the soul across the Vale.

Lorelai has always been a dreamy type, so it isn't surprising that her visits to the mortal plane started to catch her attention more and more. She became captivated with things like flowers and music and- well, Cassandra too, when she was supposed to die and be escorted by Lorelai. Deciding to simply not do that and instead follow Cassandra around like a lovesick puppy...was not at all what Lorelai was supposed to do. It's a good thing that Death is more of a concept and less like an all-powerful diety that might not take kindly to one of it's creations shirking all of her duties 'cause she developed human emotions and fell in love.




As is the case with any Oracle, Lorelai was brought into existence as an amorphous, tadpole-like blob that remained in the Vale between Worlds until maturity. She spent the first ~6,000 years of her life in this way, as her being began to coalesce enough to traverse the mortal plane. Lorelai herself managed to reach that point when she was developmentally akin to a human in their late teens or early twenties. For the next thousand years she really was the pinnacle of what an Oracle was made to be; she waited within the Vale until she felt a soul on the brink of death, stepped onto the mortal plane to guide them through the Vale, and then returned to her pocket of the Vale to wait once more. Occasionally, if they were a concentrated amount of deaths in one area, Lorelai would come across other Oracles- but the vast majority of them were just a formal and detached as she was with them. The beginning of her change happened when Lorelai found her Grimm, Shuck.

Shuck was the product of an accident- a mass tragedy where one of the overworked Oracle touched Shuck's soul with just enough of the Vale to change him...but then became distracted and guided another soul instead. She was drawn to this shaggy, shadowy hound in a way she couldn't quite describe- the first instances of her mind evolving to make room for things like pity and companionship and empathy. Rather than take him across the Vale, Lorelai decided to do as some Oracles did and teach Shuck how to assist in her work. Grimms were equally sensitive to Death and Shuck became the creature that would appear to a person hours before even Lorelai would show up for their death, keeping their soul safe and protected until their final moments. But sparing Shuck's soul spurred her into developing more and more emotions her body had never been equipped to handle- was never supposed learn how to feel at all.

For awhile this didn't affect her work too much...Lorelai became enamored with small parts of the mortal plane and changed the appearance of her pocket of the Vale to contain these things she found fascinating. A garden of exotic flowers that would never be able to grow in tandem, songs lilting through the air despite their being no actual source for them. It was trivial and harmless for her to enjoy these aspects of humanity- they could be confined to the Vale and her job could still be done. The first real problem came on the day Lorelai was supposed to escort Cassandra's soul across the Vale. It was love at first sight, perhaps even stronger considering Lorelai had no threshold for controlling any of her emotions yet, and Lorelai didn't think twice about saving Cass' life. It's made things a little more difficult for everyone involved- interrupting Death tends to unravel fate around that individual until things can settle and Lorelai now has to be extra vigilant around Cass...if fate becomes foggy, she might not be able to sense another death aimed at Cass until it's too late- but Death is not a sentient being that can sense these things. A universal constant doesn't have a conscious to grow unhappy with it's creations meddling with the circle of life with...right?



Yes, this is story spoilers but I do not care, Lorelai is so utterly in love with her. She would quite literally follow her to the ends of the earth and farther. Is trying very hard to understand enough about human culture that she can court Cass properly.


Lorelai tries really hard not to, but she does not like or trust them at all. As a being created for the sole purpose of interacting with the dead, she cannot wrap her head around a being that DOESN'T die and is reborn from the same soul. Honestly, lowkey scared of Nix cause of this.


Lorelai's faithful companion! While he doesn't accompany her on every visit to the mortal plane, it's still very common for him to be found by her side no matter where she is.