Ryker Riggs




Don't touch anything.


Name:Ryker RiggsNickname:Radar (Callname), Ryke, Dog
Age:Appears mid 30'sGender:Male
Occupation:Communications and Tech Specialist for U.R.S.A. Race:African Wild Dog
Birthday:February 7thTheme:F...


  • Quiet
  • Cigarettes
  • Akuma
  • Moxie


  • Loud noises
  • People in his workspace
  • Laziness
  • Bullying 



Ryker was born while his father still worked with U.R.S.A. and was brought to live at the compound once he was of a proper age. Here he would begin training and follow in his father's footsteps up into his early teens. Here he would go on his first mission which was meant to be a debt collection. However as a rival mercenary group showed up what was supposed to be a peaceful first run quickly turned into chaos. Ryker's father would die protecting him, and Ryker would be left with a burn scar covering most of his left shoulder.

While healing, Ryker would go on to befriend Akuma who had been the 'debt' they were collecting when the attack happened. The two would become fairly inseparable and a formidable team  within U.R.S.A. The two would help build each other's confidence and hide each other's insecurities until Akuma's promotion to leader many years later.

Unofficially, Ryker would become co-leader along side Akuma, helping to keep things in order. 


One thing that is very clear is that Ryker is not a people person and a stickler for the rules. If a room is too crowded or a group is too loud he with often excuse himself without a word or get snappy if the commotion is too close to his workspace. He's often quiet and rarely speaks unless it's of some importance or with a person he's particularly bonded too - Something that isn't in high numbers. Despite his quiet nature he carries a very authoritarian presence and can often settle a dispute with just a look as it's well known he has a bite to back up his bark. Despite not being a people person, Ryker does not tolerate bullying and will step in when a fight breaks out. To those closer to him, Ryker has shown to have a more loving and charmingly awkward side.


• Ryker has a large burn scar on his left shoulder after his father shielded him from and explosion as a teenager.

• The explosion resulted in the death of his father and left Radar with PTSD when it comes to loud noises. This being a reason he's left field work in favor of office work. He will very rarely go out on missions.

• The cuts along his right ears are from razor wire. 

• Has extremely good hearing. 

• Chain smokes, but will get better about it with a family on the way.




[ Best Friend ]

Close enough to a point many thought they were romantically partnered. Really they are just good bros with a healthy understanding of each other. Very sociable together behind closed doors and going as far as to share a room despite not needing to do so.


[ Romantic Partner ]

Nobody is really sure how she managed it, but Ryker was in Moxie's corner to have her stay at U.R.S.A. even before her own brother. The relationship came as a surprise to just about everyone as Ryker seems head over heels for Moxie.

Tokka Sunners

[ Retired Leader ]

Though Ryker didn't show it he's also been thankful for Tokka stepping into the spot left when his father died. While more independent these days Ryker is saddened by Tokka's choice to age out.


[ Advisor ]

Not a fan of the cat and not sure how he differs so much from his more energetic sister. Ryker things Mordekai is far too lazy for the job he was given and his inability to do a proper inventory check leabes Ryker with extra work.

Clyde "Boomer" O'Conner

[ Mercenary ]

Finds him too loud to stick around for long and avoids conversation with him. However Ryker feels extreme guilt for discrediting Boomer in the face of his abuse.

Clyde "Boomer" O'Conner

[ Bellamy "Vex" Ray ]

Particularly noty found of Vex due to the angry demon screaming. Outright avoids him.
