Annabel Lee (RonAn)



6 years, 10 months ago



Annabel & Ronald met on the Campania, where Annabel, glamoured into Sophie Smith, flirted blatently with the mysterious stranger. She didn't find him much attractive, but thought he could be a clue to the mystery that was the Aurora Society. After all, why is a seemingly first-class man on the third-class deck? It was simply an idea she conjured of him based on assumptions.

The green eyed stare confused her. When he actually looked right at her, she saw an emptiness behind his eyes that terrified her, but she did her best to swallow her discomfort. Just because a supernatural entity was looking her in the eye doesn't mean she calls uncle! The man, Ronald, was confused, but arrogant. He thought she was simply overwhelmed at having a "well-off, handsome man" even take notice of her. Though he found her quite easy on the eyes, he preferred a redhead, and he had no interest in being tied down based on a few minutes on interaction. So he decided to play a bet with the woman, if she lives, they go on a date, and if she doesn't, well oh bugger it was nice to know her.

Ronald didn't expect for himself to be played a fool, especially by a woman he now found absolutely beautiful. Annabel wasn't happy being found out by someone so much bigger than herself...or actually someone akin to Sebastian in terms of otherworldliness. Why didn't the man go away so she can unglamour in peace?! Turns out Ronald knew something was odd of her, and he simply acted like he knew nothing about it! He waited for her to crack at laying on the floor for so long, playing dead! His book was being odd, he stated. The name was covering another, so he decided to wait things out and see what happens. He's rather pleased at the results, so he decided to let her live.

Annabel felt so much anger, and would have turned Ronald into a toad if she could, but she simply stood up, fixed her body with magic, and walked away to find her "belongings." She thought it safer, and herself wiser now to not make an idiot of herself and almost die.

Thus their high-maintanance romance begins...Ronald made a bet, after all, and he claims to be an honorable man.

Ronald's opinion on Annabel

"I honestly don't know how she got to me, but...she did."*Chuckles.*" I rarely hear anything about witches, nymphs, or werewolves because they are so rare, and hide from us reapers, so I'll admit I was surprised by her...just a bit."

"She's beautiful, I love her, and I have no intentions on leaving until she comes with me, so ready or not, Annie, here I come~"


Annabel's opinion on Ronald

"I don't understand him, at all! How can he say such romantic garbage when he barely even knows me?! So what about our romantic past, he certainly doesn't remember it...does he?"

"Ronald is a reaper, and according to folklore, he's supposed to be hunting creatures like me down like a dog...but he isn't. At least he says he isn't...not like I believe him. The question is, though, why? Why is he acting like this, with me? Can't he find some other woman to harass?"

"Hey, Anne, when I get a soul will you marry me?"

— Circunstance


Ronald Knox

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
Love Language

Annabel Lee

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
Love Language
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Loves PDA
Hates PDA
Early Bird
Night Owl
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Big Spoon
Little Spoon
Uses pet names
No pet names
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Afraid of bugs
Takes care of them
Has relationship experience
No relationship experience
Love through words
Love through actions
Very awkward
No shame
Quick to trust
Suspicious of everything
  • Annabel is usually invited by Ronald to ride his lawnmower, but Annabel always declines, not trusting Ronald to not test her magic powers by taking her out on a crazy ride on that thing.
  • Vestibulum ultricies lacinia eros sit amet efficitur. Suspendisse sagittis lorem ut dui mattis, semper molestie sem volutpat.
  • Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer lobortis orci eget sem faucibus venenatis. Pellentesque porta vel turpis id vulputate.
  • Morbi ac ullamcorper quam. In eu lectus pellentesque, tristique lacus sed, imperdiet justo.
  • Phasellus arcu est, elementum vitae pellentesque vitae, maximus eget justo. Nulla rhoncus libero turpis, non tempor ligula sodales nec.
  • In efficitur tincidunt velit, scelerisque volutpat eros auctor eget.