Kanami Shissei (Kanami (Reprise))



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Kanami Shissei




Male, cis (he/him)






Reprise: Enstars+6 years

Comes from an  impoverished family. Spent most of his life being looked  down upon due  to social status amongst other things. Kanami served in a  choir for  several years, until Naganao watched him perform and  befriended him.  Naganao became fond enough of Kanami to make him his  sworn brother and  become his benefactor, encouraging him to go to  Yumenosaki to hone his  skills.
Naganao then used his influence to get Kanami  into Fine, and together  they practically created a different identity  for him; it would be  generally unknown that he had come from a  non-prestigious background or that he’d missed a year of school due to financial issues.

1st year: A boy from a poor family who was able to attend Yumenosaki out of sheer luck. Kanami always talks in a lighthearted, self-deprecating manner, which often  draws the ire of those who have the misfortune of having to converse  with him since he’s actually quite talented at many things. He’s not an especially hard worker on his own, as he matches up his level of motivation to the others he’s working with. He is in a state of complacency and isn’t quite sure how to deal with it or if he even needs  to, so he seeks to imitate people he admires. It’s hard  to say if he truly feels that he is below others; it’s been so  ingrained into him from how he’s been treated in general, but if you push him enough you can find traces of self awareness and a sense of  “things are just easier this way.”

Kanami has had an incredibly weak immune system since childhood, though  luckily he doesn’t get infected with anything serious very often. He  usually gets colds, and since he likes to cling to people, he’s quite  contagious… he’s gotten so used to being sick that he has a ton of  tricks at his arsenal to deal with it and to perform on  stage in a  pinch. He’s very good at taking care of other sick people,  though  pretty pushy about it. He actually sounds his best when he’s mildly  sick, as it gives his voice a breathless “ethereal” quality to it.  Conversely, when he’s at his healthiest, he sounds most mediocre...  and  when he has a sore throat, his voice gets a little rougher and this   makes him more suited to intense songs, though he can’t keep it up for   very long.

Eventually, a wake-up call gets him to change his life around, and he suddenly has something to work towards. He starts working hard to get into Switch and learns to dance with the help of its members. He goes through a big image change and gets a haircut once he's made it in.

Part of the gardening club but has pollen  allergies, much like a pet owner who’s allergic to their own pet. Roses  are his favourite flower, and he uses a lot of rose motifs on stage. His  uniform accent is a silk scarf tied and twisted into a rose.

  • Was in Fine in his first year and had the most superficial 'crush' on Romeo, his unitmate. He switched to Switch in his 2nd year and later became the leader in his 3rd year.
  • Part of the gardening club but has pollen allergies. Roses are his favourite flower.