
2 years, 8 months ago







Moxie Evenshold

Gender & Pronouns

female - she/her










Mech Pilot Artificer


December 20th




Explorer fs


Six Below - Flipturn

Bishop is one of my current D&D characters in a cyberpunk campaign! With over a year of connection to bolster my fixation, she has swiftly become a treasured favorite of mine and is loved by many collected simps :)

With her memories taken and only the party to support her, Bishop has dedicated herself to becoming a ‘new person’. Seeing the memory loss as an opportunity instead of something to be mourned, Bishop tried to leave the old her behind. Her dedication to this outlook has been impressive, but has backfired in her face many times throughout the campaign so far. Ranging from being unable to avoid her feelings for her friend, Saphy, to running from her old heartaches, Bishop finds herself constantly pushing her own troubles away in favor of lifting the people around her up. But with reminders of her past surging up around her, Bishop finds her self image shattering under the surface as she begins to question who she used to be, and what it means to be someone new.


Bishop means protector. Bishop is an individual who seeks not only to defend those she cares about, but to better herself enough to be worthy of their love. A boisterous individual, this fiery tiefling is all about action. She rides through life with a hot temper and even sharper tongue— often starting fights and causing problems in her wake. Despite her reckless behavior, Bishop actually has quite the head on her shoulders. Quick witted and creative, Bishop is an inventor at heart— and a good one at that. She builds during any time she can manage it, and her passion shines in every project. With enough drive she managed to add magic to her craft, and seeks to utilize that to improve the life of herself and those around her.

This drive comes from a sense of failure, though. Bishop bolsters the life of those around her, but often does so to escape from her own self doubts. Her tendency to ‘start over’ and run from her past is actually a habit born from it— something she has done more than once in an attempt to restart. Though it has worked before, these tendancies has also left her with insecurities about her own motivations. She worries about her own capabilities and her tendency to lie, using the excuses as means to keep from talking about her more vulnerable emotions. Born to a world that was cruel to her, Bishop has learned to prioritize keeping herself safe— even when it can cost her trust.

These bad habits are something she’s working on improving, as well as her faltering self image. Persistent in her desire to change, and yet repeating the same mistakes, Bishop often fails to realize that her flaws don’t make her undesirable. Terrified of being left again, or being unworthy of the praise her friends make sure to shower her with, Bishop strives to see herself in the same loving light that they illuminate her in.


  • Hugs
  • Flustering Saphy
  • Tinkering/Creating
  • MEAT. . . she is a deprived carnivore
  • Videogames/Arcades
  • Jewelry— but like, cool n' spiky shit
  • She also likes cursing a lot, so fuck you
  • Loud music!! and also piano,,
  • Massages
  • Kissies...


  • Authority
  • Sparkling water (who would?)
  • Working out
  • Sitting still
  • Omens/the concept of 'the gods'
  • Worvy, he creeps her out
  • Being left alone
  • Feeling helpless. It's something that's become far too common



Shaky Foundations

DETAILS UNCLEAR. Memories locked. There is only flashes of a life of joy torn to tatters, and violence filling a hole that cannot be filled.

Disclaimer: The following sections are heavily summarized and under construction.

A New Beginning

Some memories locked.

After some rough years in the gang Serotonin, the renamed ‘Bishop’ was offered a new opportunity— a chance to start again. Picked up off the streets by a rich satyr named Worvlum Auburndale, Bishop was taken into his family as the hired bodyguard for his daughter, Sapharius. The two… didn’t get along well for quite some time. Finding the little princess to be a thorn in her side, and her perfect family a mocking reminder of the familial love she had lost, Bishop often thought of running away. But a hope for something better kept her in place long enough to allow for something to grow.

Though it wasn’t the same as what she had before, Bishop found a place in the family. For one, she wasn’t the only new arrival. The same year that Bishop was taken in, the family was left with another adopted daughter— a human with strange magic from a young age. She was named Seriah, and she took a very swift liking to Bishop— seeing her more as her older sister than Saphy, who actually took care of her like one. Though the concept of being a sister was completely foreign to her, Bishop found herself liking the attention and slowly loving the role as well.

Despite Saphy’s mother— Dansnari —remaining cold and distant, Bishop found that with the help of Worvlum and Saphy that she was needed and loved again. Unable to push away the affection she’d been desiring for years in her mother’s absence, Bishop was finally allowed to heal. She spent seven years growing and improving herself with the Auburndales— and though the memories grew hazy, the feelings and relationships she made with them were swift to return to her. No matter the distance or time between them, the Auburndales saved her, and Bishop remains ever in their debt.

Factory Reset

But all good things come to an end. After an uproar in strange occurrences in chips implanted in people’s brains, and a rampant AI becoming sentient, the world fell apart. The apocalypse remains a blur for not only Bishop, but those she woke up with after the collapse. Three years, no memories. All they had was a clipboard with a name, and each other.

This is where the campaign started, and the party struggled together to remember themselves and survive in an underground facility. Joined together by a desire to survive, the group was kidnapped and taken into a sanctuary known as The Rift. With no ideas of how to escape or the state of the outside world, they depended on the residents there to aid them in their understanding. People such as this are very vulnerable, and soon Bishop and one of her companions, Echo, began to see the cracks in a very manipulative leader’s dictatorship.

With many failed break-ins and weeks of playing along with their comfy society, the party eventually pushed too far in trying to find the truth. The facility they breached exposed the leader— Sandar, Saphy’s long lost brother —and his efforts to contain people’s memories and identities. His intentions didn’t stop with the civilians, and upon learning his true colors, Saphy was forced to turn against her kin to save her friends from captivity. Traumatized and chased, the party managed to escape the Rift and return to the surface.


This section is currently being updated!





One thing Bishop has learned to be truly confident in is her appearance. Despite losing her right leg in an… accident, Bishop carries herself with the knowledge that she is a treat to behold. Standing at six feet, Bishop holds herself as though she’s always a bit taller and scarier than those around her. She is a lithe individual, lacking in muscles but making up for it with sharper features. Her horns are made of metal (clearly prosthetics), and they glow with the same light as the tattoos that trail along her arms. These circuits change color depending on her emotions, exposing her when she’s flustered— when her lashing tail doesn’t give her away. Her tail is very expressive, and though it’s hard to trace where she’s looking, Bishop’s emotions are usually plastered very clearly on her face. When around her friends, her voice and features are swift to soften compared to her usual, defensive glares. Bishop is known for her charming smirk and loud body language. Her hair is buzzed close on the sides, but the curly part falls over one side of her face often— the new orange streaks complimenting her solid gold eyes. When working, she can be seen wearing her bold new goggles.


In terms of fashion, Bishop is often seen in punk or grunge looks. Knowing she lacks physical prowess, she is often seen in outfits she finds ‘cool’ or ‘intimidating’. Her main outfit is highlighted by her new red leather jacket with a lion on the back. Spikes, leather and an excess of belts are her jigs. She loves to come off as tough in any way she can, and for now her taste remains with that as her main interest— big jackets, heavy boots and sharp edges. She also highlights her waist and torso by leaving them exposed with croptops if she can! She has many outfits to choose from in her gallery as of late, and as the campaign goes on I hope to showcase her arc through her style choices, but if you have an outfit idea that isn’t in her references I ADORE seeing her in new outfits! Go crazy!!



  • Bishop has two robot pets, Tango and Beetle. She made Beetle with Saphy, making him their child and the token that marked them finally becoming friends. Tango belonged to Moxie's mom, Leora, and was passed onto Moxie/Bishop in her absence. She loves them both dearly, and talks to them often while she works.
  • The metal horns are present to cover the loss of Bishop's organic horns.
  • Bishop has been called a pro-gamer in session, and is one. She is a hacker at heart, and loves not only videogames but games of all kinds. Ranging from tricky puzzles like rubix cubes, to legos that give her room to create, Bishop finds games like these very engaging.
  • This being said, Bishop fidgets a lot. She cannot keep her hands to herself, and often touches others or reaches into their personal space. She is very engaging and up close and personal. This can make her very flirtatious or very intimidating, depending on the circumstances.
  • Her ears twitch often, flicking to acknowledge her name or sinking when she's sad. Much akin, her tail wags mercilessly when she's happy, and has a mind of it's own when it comes to wrapping around people or snatching items for later.
  • Bishop is a walking mood ring. Her tattoos tell her emotions, but she also has a ring that tells her feelings to Saphy. She still thinks she can hide her feelings though,, Pathetic.
  • Under her sharp edges and loud words, Bishop is a very big softie. This isn't a super well-hidden truth in the party whatsoever, but she likes to pretend it is. She's also made almost all of them presents and cried like a baby to their faces. Real tough, that one.
  • Though Bishop is very creatively inclined, she cannot for the life of her cook or play instruments. She admires Saphy's ability to do both.
  • Bishop has never learned to drive a real car or bike, but still drove Saphy and herself around for years. Instead, she adapted her own version of her motorcycle, and learned to drive that way. She took out what she thought was stupid and replaced it, so no one will ever understand or be able to steal her magical vehicles because they are not traditional in their function.
  • She loves her hair being pet or messed with, and melts very easily under tender touches.
  • She is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
  • She has a tendency to love bite.


  • Hacking: From modding games to extracting sensitive information from high security databases, Bishop is a pro at tapping into electronics. Though her friend's aid always gives her the extra edge, Bishop is proud of her skills and their usefulness to the party.
  • Crafting: One of the things that defines Bishop as an artificer is her dedication to her craft. Endlessly flowing with new and likely destructive ideas, Bishop has a keen interest in combat-inclined builds just as much as she does presents. Her mech suit is an ever-adapting project of her's, and both her companions are built and repaired by her refined skills with tools.
  • Support & Defense: Bishop prioritizes the safety of others above herself whenever combat may arise. Though she has adapted a suit to better protect herself, many of the spells she has taught herself are to aid her friends and support them. Not being the most stealthy or damage dealing, Bishop tends to throw herself in front of others with a flashy smirk, taunting enemies into hitting her instead— even when it costs her.

Bishop wears a big red mech-suit adorned with her signature grin.


Saphy Auburndale — girlfriend

Sunshine. Though Bishop has tried to become a ‘new person’ when left with few memories of her past, one thing she couldn’t escape was her affections for Saphy. The two were drawn to one another immediately after waking, and have been practically inseparable since. Dedicated to her role as bodyguard, Bishop’s desire to protect her slowly burned into something more. The draw to keep her safe is instinctive and necessary. Saphy has become someone Bishop cannot afford to lose, and her feelings for her are the only thing Bishop assuredly keeps remembering about her past.

The two are hardly seen apart, and are very clingy when with one another. Their hands are like magnets, and they are often seen teasing and flirting. Before they were dating, everyone assumed they already were. It only took a single day of sharing a room for them to confess feelings founded on seven years of history.

Bishop finds herself not only endlessly thankful for Saphy’s faith in her, but constantly blown away by her seemingly endless kindness. Bishop firmly believes that Saphy brings out the best in her, and she’s dedicated to making Saphy feel the same. She supports Saphy where she stumbles, and is doing all she can to help her through the recent traumas she’s been suffering through. Bishop is one of the few allowed to see and hear Saphy’s insecurities and thoughts, and Saphy her’s. They balance each other. Bishop could not be happier than to call Saphy her lover.

found sister — Echo Snowvale

After noticing Echo’s form change, Bishop was the first trusted with the secret of Echo’s changeling identity. From there, the two crafted a bond built on mutual trust and interest. Eager to see Echo complete the goals she set herself so firmly to, and often sharing a similar goal, Bishop found herself swiftly becoming Echo’s right hand man.

Over their mutual distaste for Saphy’s brother, Sandar, the two managed to break into and uproot secrets about The Rift together— and have fought side by side on multiple occasions. Though the two used to maintain an almost professional relationship where they bonded over keeping the group safe, their connection has grown far closer over time. Trust has allowed secrets to spill, and with ceaseless desire for the truth, the two realized their bond went deeper— far past the bond of blood. After declaring the other as the closest to a real sister either had experienced, Bishop is honored to call Echo her family.

Zarish Ironrise — friend

Being the first to invite Zarish to join the party back when they first met in the catacombs, Bishop and Zar were quick to hit it off as friends. Knowing the feeling of being an outcast well, the two ‘misfits’ stuck together, and over time have learned that they share many traits— ranging from their coping with prosthetic limbs to their struggles to make deeper connections. Together, they managed to bridge that gap and establish a relationship built off of trust— one that Bishop values deeply in her friends. Though, they don’t always see eye to eye on everything; especially not Harley. Where Zarish manages to put her on a pedestal, Bishop has made it her job to protect Zarish from Harley’s influence— even if she seems to fail to do so at every turn.

As of late, her barbarian friend has been struggling with wild magic, and Bishop does her best to see her through them. But being exposed to these surges has made the artificer far more cautious and anxious around Zarish lately, and guilty for her previous lies. After a while the distance continued to grow due to Bishop's own fears, and Zarish assumed the worst about herself because of it. Eager to clear that misconception from her friend's mind, Bishop bridged the gap and admitted to her dishonesty, and swore to improve. Though their trust isn't as strong as it used to be, they both realize their friendship runs too deep not to try.

friend — Harley Hex

At first, these two got along like siblings— teasing and laughing with each other. As time went on, however, Harley’s lack of dedication to the group formed a rift between them. Being an individual sensitive to abandonment, Bishop took her occasional ‘distractions’ very personally. Things only got worse when she learned that not only was Harley’s excuse her drug addiction, but that she used to be Harley’s drug dealer. Terrified of the group learning she was responsible (and possibly looking to be held accountable for her actions), Bishop confronted and threatened Harley to keep it a secret— thus tearing their friendship apart and leaving them distant.

There is an unspoken grudge held on both sides. Where Bishop can’t forgive Harley or herself for the past, Harley is jealous of Bishop’s outward ability to move forward without the past burdening her. This tension in addition to a lack of proper communication has left them both angry and frustrated— and possibly longing for the bond they used to share as the rest of the party forgives Harley for her previous outburst.

With odds against the party, Harley has turned herself around— using her hardships as reasons to plow onwards with a newfound determination. With the loss of Katrina clearly weighing down Bishop's spirit, Harley realized her jealousy wasn't completely truthful, and after aiding each other in combat, the two have found some common ground; and swore to act as protectors to the group together.

Evie — trusted

Through her friendship with Echo, Bishop and Evie have become friends. They don’t talk often, but each interaction has been very insightful. Evie has a very nonchalant approach to life and hardships, and due to her observant nature has approached Bishop for her lack of relaxation in her own life. As someone who lives a life on the run, it’s hard for Bishop to stop and work things out with herself. But with careful guidance and soft suggestions, the tiefling is slowly warming up to Evie’s advice— even though she would never admit her gratitude for it to Evie’s face.

confused — Ness Snowvale

The details on Bishop’s involvement with Ness are still unclear to her, but Bishop fears the worst. Seeing that she might’ve been involved with allowing the System to wipe Ness’s mind, and taking her away from Echo, has left Bishop terrified of the consequences. Desperate to cling to her belief that she is a good person, Bishop has fled from Ness at every turn so far— leaving her completely unaware that not only does Ness not even know her name, but that there are no hard feelings to run from.

Rook — companion

Another figure from Bishop’s past, these two share chess-themed names, and a tie to old gangs. Once again, the fear of uncovering a version of herself that she doesn’t like has left Bishop fearful to reach out— but still desperate to know what Rook means to her. The recognition and his assurances that she is good has left her hoping they had a good relationship, but his dedication to saving keepsakes for her despite ‘thinking she was dead’ has left her with more questions than answers.

mother, missed — Leora Evenshold

Sorrow and love go hand in hand. To love someone deeply means it will hurt when they’re gone, but such pain is confusing and dreadful when you can’t even remember who you miss. With only bitter feelings of loss and self-blame to remember Leora by, Bishop struggles to understand her own grief surrounding her mother. Still, she carries fragments of her with her all the time— and finds herself missing her more as she reflects on what the names 'Leora' and 'Moxie' mean to her.
