rowan 🍂



2 years, 9 months ago


rowan auclair. he/him. 26 y/o. 5'6. 


trust fund kid. rowan had never really felt the need to work or put much effort into his life – not that he needed to, with hugely successful parents that just about gave him everything he needed to survive. 

leaning into the spoiled side, rowan has little concept of money; he appears snide, cunning, and careless, often making decisions that are questionable at best. to anyone else, it might be concerning, but rowan seems not to care.'


rowan commonly wears dark, tight-fitting clothing that allows him ease of mobility. with most of his time spent onstage and weaving through crowds, it’s no surprise that his preference lies here. 

he loves tattoos – the right side of his body is mostly covered in them, intricate and depicting all sorts of his own interests while also serving as a splash of color against pale skin. his ears hold a variety of jewelry, and he’s pierced in several places including his lip. it’s safe to say he’s hooked on showing them off and often changes them out depending on mood.

his hair is often windswept, framing his features and giving way to sly grins and freckled cheeks. 

he’s probably always scheming and cooking up his next move – his mind knows no ends, and he’s often striving to achieve what he has his eyes set on. 


rowan’s fox-like disposition runs true in almost everything he does. besides the obvious ears sitting atop his head and the bushy tail swishing behind him, most of his words are thickly woven with some other kind of ulterior motive in order to manipulate and sway things in his favor. while he won’t go out of his way to pick fights and he sits more on the reserved side, he is definitely not a push-over; he’s quick to bite back and weaponize his sour tongue when need be. 

he’s sassy and can come off as spoiled – often going as far as believing that most problems can be solved by paying them off. when money has only ever been an afterthought, it really shouldn’t be surprising.

it’s especially important to note that he’s a very slippery person and can be two-faced. an adept, chronic liar, it’s difficult to trust anything that comes out of his mouth – it’d be a good idea to take anything he says with a grain of salt.


quick headcanons...

  • big spender: saving and managing his expenditures has become a mission on its own. often thinks problems can be solved by paying others off.
  • name brands: wouldn’t be caught dead wearing anything of lower quality… or off-branded. 
  • flustered easily: he’s quick to get defensive, too – nothing hurts more than biting into his pride.
  • trickster: always has something up his sleeve, whether to get out of situations or to boast his own ego.
  • can’t cook: he always ate in fancy restaurants, so he (unfortunately) never learned how to cook.