Vil Windchaser



2 years, 9 months ago


Vil Windchaser
  • Kobold
  • Essence Weaver (Training)
  • No Affiliations
  • The In-between Realm

Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her

Age 24
Height 3ft / 0.92m

Alignment Neutral Good
Main Skills Intelligence / Wisdom
Likes / Dislikes



Silvas & Ethos

Essence Weaving

Essence is a form of mana that every living creature has. Essence can be weaved to use the abilities of those whom the user has a strong connection or of the heroes of the past. Essence can also be used to change or morph the user's body. Essence is recovered through either meditation or sleep. Each Essence Weaver tend to have a different color when weaving, Silvas has a pink red color.

Personal Story

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Essence Gem

A gem charged with essence that gives the user a boost of essence.

Silvas // Travel Partner

A kobold in need becomes a lifelong companion.

Vil being a curious kobold, sets out from her home in the mountains to watch the elves practice their druidic magic. During one of her outings, Vil runs into trouble. Lucky for her Silvas was in the area in the moment. After being saved, Vil vowed to help Silvas with the magic she learned from the elves.

Ethos // Mentor

A mentorship through unforseen circumstances.

After being saved by Silvas, Ethos appears curious as to what had occured. Seeing the look in Vil's eyes, Ethos invites her to their home. Alongside Silvas, Vil now learns how to hone her druidic magic mixed with essence weaving.