


2 years, 8 months ago


  • Dragon
  • Essence Weaver
  • No Affiliations
  • The In-between Realm

Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her

Age ???
Height 8ft / 2.44m

Alignment Chaotic Good
Main Skills Strength / Constitution
Likes / Dislikes


Essence Weaving
Learning Magic

Vil & Ethos
Partnership with Masei

Someone that can keep up in a sparring match
The empty void of the In-Between Realm

Being called Spots

Essence Weaving

Essence is a form of mana that every living creature has. Essence can be weaved to use the abilities of those whom the user has a strong connection or of the heroes of the past. Essence can also be used to change or morph the user's body. Essence is recovered through either meditation or sleep. Each Essence Weaver tend to have a different color when weaving, Silvas has a pink red color.

Form Wings

By weaving her Essence Silvas is able to create wings on her back, giving her the ability to fly. Though the wings are not natural, Silvas can still feel them as if they were there since birth.

Form Weapon

By weaving her Essence Silvas is able to create a weapon of her choosing. Though the weapon is made of essence and visually opaque, it is still very physical.

Open Portals

With the help of essence Silvas is able to open portals to other realms/planes. As Silvas masters openning portals, she is able to travel to more realms/planes.

Sapphire's Lightning Claws

Silvas's claws crackle with electrical energy, allowing her to slash through most materials.

Kallista's Demon Fists

Silvas's arms turn into black scales with a pink-ish underglow. Silvas becomes imbued with Kallista's demonic might. However this ability not only costs essence, it also costs Silvas her own life force. Silvas uses this as a last resort.

Xenobia's Lightning Breath

Through the use of essence Silvas is able to breath lightning.

Essence Speak

While under either heavy stress or deep meditation Silvas is able to speak with the heroes of the past.

Myoko's Nemean Defence

Silvas's hide thickens boosting her defensive capabilites. Whenever hit a portion of that damage gets returned to the attacker.

Jericho's Crow

Silvas is able to create a crow-like entity with her essence to be able to survey the area from afar.

Personal Story

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Essence Gem

A gem charged with essence that gives the user a boost of essence.

Vil Windchaser // Travel Partner

A kobold in need becomes a lifelong companion.

Vil being a curious kobold, sets out from her home in the mountains to watch the elves practice their druidic magic. During one of her outings, Vil runs into trouble. Lucky for her Silvas was in the area in the moment. After being saved, Vil vowed to help Silvas with the magic she learned from the elves.

Ethos // Mentor

A mentorship through unforseen circumstances.

When unsure where to go after falling into and wandering the In-between Realm. Silvas enountered a door that lead to a house on a hill. The home of Ethos, a dragonborn with untold capabilities. Ethos took Silvas under their wing to teach her the ways of Essence Weaving.

Masei Avarth // Previous Partners

Very unlikely partnership brought through unfortunate times.

When Silvas ran from her closest allies in fear of harming them. Masei convinces her to join him. Through the years this partnership would become unstoppable. However Silvas was to be freed from Masei's grasp. Silvas regrets everything during her time with Masei.