Vix Sealgair



6 years, 10 months ago


Vix Sealgair

Species Common Cat
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Alignment Air


Vix is a long-haired calico cat who is predominantly white with patches of orange and black. She has bright yellow-green eyes.

She accessorizes with a bandanna around her neck that has a tree pattern and a black belt that she carries her rapier on.


Headstrong and stubborn, Vix speaks her mind and makes sure how others feel about what she feels. She values honesty and straightforwardness, finding dancing around a subject useless. Her particular brand of honesty might make her come off as hard-to-approach but she tries to be kind. She’s fiercely loyal to those she values and will go to any length to help them. She’s forgiving, provided she sees you worthy of it.


Before Hunter left to assist Infi, him and Vix were rivals turned friends. They met when they downed the same game and had an argument of who exactly downed it. After it was sorted, they became friends. But now Hunter and even his two siblings are missing, leading Vix to wonder if something terrible has happened. So she has taken up a search herself to find them.


Vix is a capable fighter, fighting with a rapier in a fast but brutal style. She is also a good hunter, tracking and hunting game for a living.


  • Vix is based off a cat I once had of the same name.

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