Alena Dinkley



2 years, 9 months ago


FULL NAME: Alena Dinkley


AGE: 6 months old


CREATOR: Edith Lancaster

OCCUPATION: police detective robot (prototype)

SEXUALITY: come on man...

HEIGHT: 5 ''9

PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Central Linnaea Police Department

PLACE IN THE STORY: A prototype detective robot designed by Edith while she was drunk. Contains a neural-net processing chip, so she's always learning. Battery-powered (charging port located at the right inner elbow). That's some pretty impressive work for getting a bunch of guys to do it for you off a drunken sketch! Alena was just built in mid-2030, but she's been eager to start - all she needs is someone to shadow to learn more human behavior. And that... is where Flint, albeit a rookie, comes in.

PERSONALITY NOTES: determined, analytical, friendly, hospitable, otherwise a bit serious


Alena has general police detective knowledge and varying equipment built into her body that she can use at will.

  1. There are cameras built in to her eyes, equipped with surround-sound microphones. With this she can double as an evidence technician, take mugshots of citizens, and record her own whereabouts.
  2. Alena has a built-in stereo. This is your standard stereo that can play music from radio stations, streaming services, it could play CDs... and even cassettes. Odd that Edith would include that.
  3. Built in phone for calling.
  4. Built-in weaponry. Including guns, knives, tasers, she can clunk her fists to make them tougher, etc.
  5. Attention to detail. Kinda self-explanatory for a robot.
  6. Water proof.
  7. Standard police-academy combat training, albeit artificially created.
  8. Essentials. She's stocked with first aid kit, and essentials like an umbrella built in to her head, handcuffs, spare bulbs for her eyes, etc.
  9. A 'top secret' ballistic mode. Only Edith can activate this. (more will be added on this as my only thought for it is DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY)

BIGGEST SECRET: not applicable unless you count the ballistic mode... but she doesn't know about that... only Edith knows!

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: 60s-80s era music and fashion, dogs, knitting

IMPORTANT PAST EVENTS: Built in June of 2030.